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The Indian Brothers est un film américain réalisé par D. W. Griffith avec Frank Opperman

The Indian Brothers (1911)

The Indian Brothers
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Durée 18minutes
Réalisé par
Note47% 2.393122.393122.393122.393122.39312

The Indian Brothers is a 1911 American short silent drama film directed by D. W. Griffith, starring Frank Opperman and featuring Blanche Sweet.


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What the Daisy Said, 12minutes
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Note55% 2.763452.763452.763452.763452.76345
The film opens upon two sisters (Martha, played by Mary Pickford, and Millie, played by Gertrude Robinson) standing in a field of daisies. Millie plucks the petals off of one to divine whether he loves me... he loves me not. The girls part ways; Martha's next stop is the vegetable patch in which a lanky farmhand diligently labors with a shovel. She passes up the farmhand's polite offer to become sweethearts and promptly steals away to town to get her palm read by a woman fortuneteller. There, a mustachioed gypsy catches her eye, and he tells her a fortune in which he "plans her future to his liking". The pair run off together, crossing a brook into which he saves her from falling. They arrive at a waterfall where he "induces her to believe his prophecy must be true". After that brief exchange, Martha jubilantly skips home, passing the lanky farmhand who pays her no heed.
La Télégraphiste de Lonedale, 17minutes
Réalisé par D. W. Griffith
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Thriller, Policier
Acteurs Blanche Sweet, Verner Clarges, Guy Hedlund, Walter Charles Robinson, Jeanie Macpherson, Edward Dillon
Note64% 3.2411153.2411153.2411153.2411153.241115
La télégraphiste d'une petite station de chemin de fer isolée est attaquée par des bandits. Elle prévient par morse son fiancé, un chauffeur de locomotive, qui se précipite à son secours.
Le Massacre, 30minutes
Réalisé par D. W. Griffith
Genres Guerre, Action, Western
Acteurs Wilfred Lucas, Blanche Sweet, Charles West, Lionel Barrymore, Alfred Paget, Edward Dillon
Note64% 3.230333.230333.230333.230333.23033
Le film est inspiré d'une attaque criminelle du lieutenant-colonel Custer qui a pris l'initiative d'une attaque surprise d'un campement indien.