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The King's Highway est un film Britannique de genre Aventure réalisé par Sinclair Hill avec Matheson Lang

The King's Highway (1927)

The King's Highway
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Réalisé par
Genres Aventure

The King's Highway is a 1927 British romantic adventure film directed by Sinclair Hill and starring James Carew, Gerald Ames, Matheson Lang and Joan Lockton. The film follows the romance and escapades of an eighteenth-century English highwaymen.


Matheson Lang

(Paul Clifford)
James Carew

(Judge Brandon)
Gerald Ames

(Lord Mauleverer)
Clifford Heatherley

(Beau Nash)
Wally Patch

(Police Chief)
Bande annonce de The King's Highway

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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