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The Lady Refuses est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par George Archainbaud avec Betty Compson

The Lady Refuses (1931)

The Lady Refuses
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Durée 1h12
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note58% 2.94732.94732.94732.94732.9473

The Lady Refuses is a 1931 American Pre-Code melodrama film, directed by George Archainbaud, from a screenplay by Wallace Smith, based on an original story by Guy Bolton and Robert Milton. It stars Betty Compson as a destitute young woman on the verge of becoming a prostitute, who is hired by a wealthy man to woo his never-do-well son away from the clutches of a gold-digger (Margaret Livingston). The plot is regarded as risqué enough to appear in at least one collection of Pre-Code Hollywood films.


Sir Gerald Courtney (Gilbert Emery) is an aristocrat whose son, Russell (John Darrow), prefers to spend his time partying with young women rather than focusing on the promising career he has in architecture. When Russell leaves one evening to revel with the gold-digging Berthine Waller (Margaret Livingston) rather than spending it dining with his father, Sir Gerald is a bit despondent. As he ponders what to do about his wayward son, providence takes a hand.


Betty Compson

John Darrow

(Russell Courtney)
Gilbert Emery

(Sir Gerald Courtney)
Margaret Livingston

(Berthine Waller)
Ivan Lebedeff

(Nikolai Rabinoff)
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