The Leavenworth Case is a 1936 American mystery film directed by Lewis D. Collins and written by Albert DeMond and Sidney Sutherland. The film stars Donald Cook, Jean Rouverol, Norman Foster, Erin O'Brien-Moore, Maude Eburne and Warren Hymer. The film was released on January 20, 1936, by Republic Pictures.
Réalisé parRay Taylor, Lewis D. Collins OrigineEtats-Unis GenresAction, Aventure ThèmesAfrique post-coloniale, Politique ActeursEdward Norris, Eddie Quillan, Douglass Dumbrille, Lois Collier, Ruth Roman, Tala Birell Note58% In 1939, Nazi Germany sends a team of agents to incite revolt and seize British Middle Africa as a first step in conquering Africa. Attempting to place their own sympathiser in charge of the local tribe, they face resistance from Pamela Courtney searching for her father, a pair of American volunteers and the mysterious Jungle Queel Lothel, who appears out of nowhere in her nightgown to give advice and instructions to the tribe.
Réalisé parRay Taylor, Lewis D. Collins OrigineEtats-Unis GenresAction, Western ThèmesPolitique ActeursDennis Moore, Lionel Atwill, Joe Sawyer, Wanda McKay, Regis Toomey, Virginia Christine Note60% At the height of the Civil War, a gang of supposed Confederates, headed by Alex Morel, raid all gold shipments from Oro Grande, California, bound for Washington. Captain Steve Clark is recognized as a Union Secret Service agent by Morel's accomplice Trina Dessard, along with his friend Idaho Jones, is ambushed in the baggage car and sent to almost certain death when the car is un-coupled and plunges down the mountainside.
Réalisé parRay Taylor, Lewis D. Collins OrigineEtats-Unis GenresGuerre ThèmesLa mer, Transport, Politique ActeursJune Duprez, Philip Ahn, Elyse Knox, Henry Victor, Walter Sande, Nestor Paiva Note63% After service at Pearl Harbor, Naval Commander Don Winslow, and his friend and junior officer, Lieutenant "Red" Pennington, are assigned to the Coast Guard. There they are ordered to devote their activities to anti-fifth column work on the mainland. Winslow learns that The Scorpion, a fascist synthesizer, is in the pay of the Japanese and is expected to lay the ground work for a Japanese attack on the Pacific coast. Constantly in peril and aided by Mercedes Colby, the daughter of a Navy Admiral, they investigate secret island-bases and battles with submarines and enemy planes...