The Little Fire Chief is a 1910 American silent short comedy produced by the Thanhouser Company. The film focuses on a young boy, Willie Stone, who follows a parade of firemen and attempts to join them as their leader. The firemen find it humorous and allow him to play with them. The fire alarm sounds and Willie attempts to join them, but is too slow. On their way back, Willie holds them up and his sister appears. A fireman named Jack, who has affections for the woman, convinces Willie to be relieved of his "command" by promising to call him later. Marie Eline played the role of Willie Stone, but the other two credits are claimed to have been William Garwood and Mignon Anderson. The rest of the cast and credits are unknown. The film was released on November 8, 1910 and does not appear to have had any reviews in the usual trade publications. The film was advertised nationally and was claimed to have been popular in Vancouver, Canada. The film is presumed lost.
Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in The Moving Picture World from October 29, 1910. It states: "Willie Stone is only six years old, but he yearns to be a fireman. He is much impressed with the parade of firemen he sees in his hometown, so much so in fact that he basely deserts his sister on the streets to follow the 'smoke eaters.' But Willie is only a little boy, and despite his enthusiasm, he is soon weary and footsore. His plight, added to his tears, attracts the attention of a kindly fireman who is driving with his engine back to quarters. The lad's discomfort is soon forgotten, for the fireman gives him a ride back to the engine house. There Willie gravely applies to the captain for a position on the uniformed force, and is jokingly accepted. But he does not see the humor in it and follows the other men to the bunkroom, where he takes part in their sports.
Réalisé parTheodore Marston OrigineEtats-Unis GenresDrame, Romance ActeursMarie Eline, Frank Hall Crane, William Garwood Note60% This shortened and streamlined version of Jane Eyre follows the overall themes of the original novel. The condensed events were summarized an the official synopsis as published in the The Moving Picture World. It states: "Jane Eyre is left an orphan and penniless at the age of 14. She is adopted by her uncle, who has ample means of providing for her, and who also loves her dearly. Her uncle's kin, however, consider her adoption as an intrusion, do all in their power to prevent her becoming a member of the family. But her uncle insists on her remaining, and during his lifetime she receives some degree of kindness and consideration. Unfortunately, Uncle Reed dies and leaves Jane without a friend in the world. She is sent to an orphan asylum by her unfeeling aunt. Five years later she leaves the asylum to [accept] the position of governess to Lord Rochester's little niece. The child is the daughter of Rochester's dead brother. Her mother has become insane and is living in Lord Rochester's home, under his protection.