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Please Help the Pore est un film américain avec William Garwood

Please Help the Pore (1912)

Please Help the Pore
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Please Help the Pore (also known as Please Help the Poor) is a 1912 American silent short drama starring William Garwood, Riley Chamberlin, Mignon Anderson and Marie Eline.


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The Evidence of the Film, 15minutes
Réalisé par Edwin Thanhouser, Lawrence Marston
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Policier
Acteurs William Garwood, Marie Eline, Florence La Badie, Riley Chamberlin, Mignon Anderson
Note61% 3.096433.096433.096433.096433.09643
Un petit messager pour un studio de cinéma est accusé à tort d'avoir volé des obligations d'une valeur de 20 000 $. Il est sauvé par sa sœur, monteuse au studio.
The Little Fire Chief
Origine Etats-Unis
Acteurs Marie Eline, William Garwood, Mignon Anderson

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in The Moving Picture World from October 29, 1910. It states: "Willie Stone is only six years old, but he yearns to be a fireman. He is much impressed with the parade of firemen he sees in his hometown, so much so in fact that he basely deserts his sister on the streets to follow the 'smoke eaters.' But Willie is only a little boy, and despite his enthusiasm, he is soon weary and footsore. His plight, added to his tears, attracts the attention of a kindly fireman who is driving with his engine back to quarters. The lad's discomfort is soon forgotten, for the fireman gives him a ride back to the engine house. There Willie gravely applies to the captain for a position on the uniformed force, and is jokingly accepted. But he does not see the humor in it and follows the other men to the bunkroom, where he takes part in their sports.
A New Cure for Divorce
Origine Etats-Unis
Acteurs William Garwood, Mignon Anderson

This script must be run from the command line
In a Garden
Réalisé par Shaji Kailas
Genres Drame, Romance
Thèmes Sexualité, Homosexualité, Transsexuels et transgenres, LGBT, LGBT, Travestissement au cinéma
Acteurs Mammootty, Riley Chamberlin, Divyaa Unni, Murali, Marie Eline, Marguerite Snow
Note71% 3.5831353.5831353.5831353.5831353.583135
The film begins with some insight into a Brahmin family, with Patteri (Thilakan) as the patriarch, who is a great astrologer and helps a police officer(Janardhanan) crack a robbery case. The story then moves on to a political arena, where Madhavan (Balachandra Menon) is selected as the Chief Minister. He is popular with the people and but his self serving ministers and his own party is rebelling against him. Madhavan has to win the by-election to retain his position as chief minister. During a chance encounter with Patteri (Thilakan), Patteri predicts the by-elections won't happen.