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The Marriage Maker est un film américain de genre Fantasy réalisé par William C. de Mille avec Agnes Ayres

The Marriage Maker (1923)

The Marriage Maker
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The Marriage Maker is a lost 1923 American silent fantasy film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It is based on a Broadway play, The Faun, by Edward Knoblock. On stage the faun character was played by William Faversham. William C. deMille directed and his wife Clara Beranger wrote the scenario.


Agnes Ayres

(Alexandra Vancy)
Charles de Rochefort

(Sylvani (as Charles De Roche))
Mary Astor

(Vivian Hope-Clarke)
Jack Holt

(Lord Stonbury)
Robert Agnew

(Cyril Overton)
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