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The Rose of Granada est un film réalisé par Emilio Ghione avec Natalina Cavalieri

The Rose of Granada (1916)

The Rose of Granada
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The Rose of Granada (Italian:La rosa di Granata) is a 1916 Italian silent film directed by Emilio Ghione and starring Ida Carloni Talli, Lina Cavalieri and Diomira Jacobini.


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The Eternal Temptress, 50minutes
Réalisé par Émile Chautard
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Natalina Cavalieri, Elliott Dexter, Alan Hale, Edward Fielding

As described in a film magazine, Harry Althrop (Dexter), a young American, is in love with Princess Cordelia (Cavalieri) and when he finds his funds are getting low he forges the signature of Thomas Lawton (Laffey), the American ambassador and a close friend of his father, to a check so that he might buy the beautiful Italian princess some jewelry. Count Rudolph Frizel (Hale) of Austria, anxious to obtain information concerning Italy's stand in an approaching war, threatens to expose Harry unless he provides the documents from the American embassy. It turns out that the specific documents are readily available with the ambassador, and Harry picks them up and gives them to the Count. This act is discovered by the ambassador and Harry is brought to trial. Cordelia learning of Harry's predicament, goes to Count Frizel and kills him to obtain the documents. The documents are then returned to the embassy, and Harry is released. Cordelia returns home, takes poison and dies in her lovers arms. The film ends with Cordelia on her bier.