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The Silver Lining est un film Britannique de genre Drame réalisé par Thomas Bentley avec Marie Ault

The Silver Lining (1928)

The Silver Lining
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Policier

The Silver Lining is a 1927 British silent drama film directed by Thomas Bentley and starring Marie Ault, Patrick Aherne and Moore Marriott. Two brothers fight over a girl, leading one to frame the other for robbery. Later, guilt-ridden, he confesses and arranges his own death.


Marie Ault

(Mrs Hurst)
Patrick Aherne

(Thomas Hurst)
John F. Hamilton

(John Hurst)
John Hamilton

(John Hurst)
Eve Gray

(Lettie Deans)
Bande annonce de The Silver Lining

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Source : Wikidata


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