The Top of the World is a 1925 American drama silent film directed by George Melford and written by Jack Cunningham and Ethel M. Dell. The film stars James Kirkwood, Sr., Anna Q. Nilsson, Joseph Kilgour, Mary Mersch, Raymond Hatton, Sheldon Lewis and Charles A. Post. The film was released on February 9, 1925, by Paramount Pictures.
Bessie Meggison vit dans un taudis à New York avec un père fainéant, mais fait des voyages imaginaires vers la "Dream Valley" sur un "yacht" qu'elle a construit dans l'arrière-cour. Gilbert Byfield, qui se fait passer pour un pauvre pour écrire un livre, tombe amoureux de Bessie et s'arrange secrètement pour qu'elle puisse passer un mois dans le domaine de sa famille à la campagne. Bessie, transportée de joie par cette nouvelle maison, croit que son père a finalement fait fortune, mais elle retourne dans son immeuble quand Enic Crane, jalouse, lui apprend que cette nouvelle richesse est une imposture. Gilbert lui rend visite et parvient finalement à gagner son cœur.
When Rose Jorgensen, who lives in a squalid tenement house, hears that her husband is to be electrocuted, she commits suicide, leaving two young daughters, Rose and Norma. Rose is adopted by Judge and Mrs. Keith and brought up in luxury, while Norma is adopted by a neighbor and raised in squalor. Once grown, Norma is noticed by a hypnotist named Calistro who employs her to be his subject. Calistro becomes a society fad and while at an engagement, he notices the resemblance between Norma and Rose and learns of their past. Calistro confronts Rose with her past, and fearing blackmail, Rose breaks her engagement to wealthy Dick Alden and flees to Bermuda. In her absence, Dick is enthralled by Norma's resemblance to his lost love and offers to marry her, but when Rose returns, Norma learns that Dick still loves her sister. Later, when the building in which Rose is sleeping catches fire, Norma heroically saves her sister and forfeits her life so that Rose may live.
The film is about a young woman who is liked by two men. She spends a few months liking one of them but she finds out he is married already. So because she was disappointed, she agrees to go out to the Canadian countryside with the other man. In the end, all three end up meeting together.