The Very Idea is an American comedy film directed by Frank Craven and Richard Rosson and written by William Le Baron, based on his play of the same title. Released in 1929, it was the fourth film released by RKO Pictures, starring Sally Blane, Hugh Trevor, Allen Kearns, Doris Eaton and Frank Craven. A comedy based on the theory of eugenics, it was a critical and financial failure.
The play was filmed before in 1920 as a silent starring Taylor Holmes. The 1920 film is lost.Synopsis
Alan Camp has written a book on eugenics, and is looking to prove his theories. His sister, Edith Goodhue, and her husband, Gilbert have been frustrated for years with their inability to have children. Alan convinces them to let him to create a child through eugenics for them to adopt. Chosen to be the parents of this eugenic child are Joe Garvin, who happens to be Alan's chauffeur, and Nora, the Goodhue's maid. The two are offered $15,000 each if they conceive and deliver a child within twelve months, to which they agree.