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The Virginian est un film américain de genre Western réalisé par Tom Forman avec Kenneth Harlan

The Virginian (1923)

The Virginian
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Réalisé par
Genres Western
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The Virginian (1923) is a silent film based upon the Owen Wister novel The Virginian and adapted from the popular 1904 theatrical play Wister had collaborated on with playwright Kirke La Shelle. The film stars Kenneth Harlan as the Virginian and Russell Simpson as Trampas and was directed by Tom Forman. With the advent of talkies, the film was soon overshadowed by the 1929 motion picture The Virginian with Gary Cooper and Walter Huston.


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Danny O'Rourke is the son of a police officer who was killed in the line of duty. Eager to join the police force, Danny fails his exams. The failure causes him to neglect his sweetheart Maggie, whose father is a police lieutenant. His attentions turn instead towards society girl Miriam Welton. When Danny’s sister, Shannon, is arrested for shoplifting, Danny turns to boxing to save her. He works his way towards the championship but discovers the final bought has been rigged. Danny fights anyhow and he is beaten, but it is discovered that a mistake had been made on his exams and he actually was eligible to join the police force after all.