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The Fighting Adventurer est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Tom Forman avec Mary Astor

The Fighting Adventurer (1924)

The Fighting Adventurer
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Guerre,    Aventure
Note55% 2.770092.770092.770092.770092.77009

The Fighting American is a surviving 1924 silent film produced and distributed by Universal Pictures and directed by Tom Forman. The young Mary Astor plays a young college coed who is the object of desire in the eyes of the hero.


Mary Astor

(Mary Brainard)
Patrick H. O'Malley Jr.

(Bill Pendleton)
Raymond Hatton

(Danny Daynes)
Warner Oland

(Fu Shing)
Clarence Geldart

(Wm. A. Pendleton)
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Source : Wikidata


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