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The War Waif est un film réalisé par Allen Holubar avec Allen Holubar

The War Waif (1917)

The War Waif
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The War Waif est un film muet américain réalisé par Allen Holubar et sorti en 1917.


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Il y a 29 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 7 films avec le même réalisateur, pour avoir au final 36 suggestions de films similaires.

Si vous avez aimé The War Waif, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
Sirens of the Sea
Réalisé par Allen Holubar
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Louise Lovely, Carmel Myers, Jack Mulhall, Evelyn Selbie, William Quinn, Sally Blane
Note60% 3.008413.008413.008413.008413.00841
As described in a film magazine, a little girl, cast up from the sea in a fisherman's net from a wrecked ship, is adopted by the wealthy Wellington Stanhope (Deane) and his wife (Wright). The girl is the only survivor of the lost ship and no one knows anything about her. Eighteen years elapse and the child appears as the young debutante Sybil (Lovely) at a birthday party where she meets Hartley Royce (Quinn) and Gerald Waldron (Mulhall), who both fall in love with her. Julie (Myers) is jealous of Sybil, and plots with Harley to keep her separated from Gerald. Sybil tries to have Hadji (Selbie) tell the fortunes of the guests. While on an errand Sybil is followed by the impetuous Hartley who takes her in his arms, and to avoid him she jumps off a cliff into the sea. As the guests from the party search for her in boats, Gerald Waldron has an dream in which witches, spirits, nymphs, and sirens dance and plot on the beach at night. During the allegorical dream love (represented by Lovely) overcomes evil (represented by Myers). The spirits are driven away at the break of day and Gerald wakes up, finds his sweetheart Sybil on the beach, and takes her home.
Paid in Advance
Réalisé par Allen Holubar
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Dorothy Phillips, Joseph W. Girard, Lon Chaney, Priscilla Dean, William Stowell, Frank Brownlee

John Gray, an old fur trapper, lives with his beautiful daughter Joan in the Canadian Northwest. Bateese Le Blanc, a half-breed, forces his attentions on Joan whenever he gets a chance, but is constantly watched by his jealous half-breed sweetheart, Marie. "Gold Dust" Barker and his henchman, Regan, convince Gray to return to the Yukon with them as head trapper, and they offer Joan work as a nurse. The trip to Dawson City is a grueling one, and Joan finds her father dead one morning. Arriving in Dawson City, Joan learns that Barker is proprietor of the dance hall, and all his girls are called "nurses." Jim Blood owns the richest mine in the area, but he is only a shell of a man, overcome by alcoholism. Bateese arrives in town and breaks into Joan's room. Jim comes to her rescue, and Bateese is killed in the gun fight which follows. Deciding there is only one hope for escape from this life, Joan puts on a flashy dance costume, rushes to the stage, and offers herself in marriage to the highest bidder. Jim offers his entire claim and wins Joan, but as a Justice of the Peace is about to marry them, Barker and Regan fake a $100,000 I.O.U. from Jim, and abduct Joan as payment. Jim grabs two guns, holds the dance hall crowd at bay, and Joan is freed. Barker and Regan fire at Jim, but he is a fast draw and shoots both men. He fires at a lamp, setting the building on fire. While the crowds flee for their lives, Jim tells Joan that he really loves her, then he vanishes into the night. Joan returns to her old home in Montreal, and receives regular payments from the manager of the mine she has won from Jim. She is called to Dawson City on business, and meets the manager, only to learn that it is none other than Jim. Having kicked his drinking problem, the two are happily united.
L'oiseau s'envole
Réalisé par Allen Holubar
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Dorothy Phillips, Rudolph Valentino, Margaret Mann, Robert Anderson, Frank Elliott

Aurora Meredith, la fille du forgeron du village, possède une très belle voix. Un jour, M Thorndyke, une riche New-Yorkaise, en visite dans le village d'Aurora, l'entend chanter à l'église et est si impressionnée par sa voix qu'elle l'envoie en Europe pour étudier le chant. Trois ans plus tard, M Thorndyke décède et Aurora se retrouve forcée d'accepter l'aide de Juliantimo, un admirateur italien. Après avoir obtenu du succès, Aurora revient aux États-Unis pour échapper aux attentions de son admirateur, et obtient le rôle principal dans un opéra. Juliantimo a néanmoins suivi la chanteuse et, lors de la première de l'opéra, il se place dans une loge au-dessus de la scène, tire sur Aurora et se tue ensuite.
La Chaîne Brisée, 1h10
Réalisé par Allen Holubar
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Aventure, Romance, Western
Thèmes Sexualité
Acteurs Colleen Moore, Malcolm McGregor, Ernest Torrence, Claire Windsor, James A. Marcus, Beryl Mercer
Note54% 2.7159052.7159052.7159052.7159052.715905
Un jeune garçon, Peter Wyndham, prend un emploi dans un camp de bûcherons de l'Ouest pour améliorer sa vie. Dans son travail comme surveillant, il rencontre et tombe amoureux de la belle Hortense Allen, une jeune femme maltraité par son mari, Boyan Boone.