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The Wise Guy est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Frank Lloyd avec Mary Astor

The Wise Guy (1926)

The Wise Guy
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note51% 2.5768452.5768452.5768452.5768452.576845

The Wise Guy is a 1926 silent film crime drama produced and directed by Frank Lloyd and distributed through First National Pictures. Jules Furthman provided a screen story with scenario by Adela Rogers St. Johns. Mary Astor, James Kirkwood and Betty Compson star.

Previously considered lost the film is preserved at National Archives of Canada.


Mary Astor

James Kirkwood Sr.

(Guy Watson)
Betty Compson

(Hula Kate)
George F. Marion

(Horace Palmer)
Mary Carr

(Ma Palmer)
Bande annonce de The Wise Guy

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L'Aigle des mers, 2h3
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Origine Etats-Unis
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The Way of All Men, 1h9
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Origine Etats-Unis
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