Thulabharam is a 1968 Malayalam film, directed by A. Vincent. It is the film adaptation of a Kerala People's Arts Club play written by Thoppil Bhasi. Thoppil Bhasi also adapted the play for the screen. The film had an ensemble cast, featuring the likes of Prem Nazir, Sharada, Madhu, Sheela, Thikkurisi Sukumaran Nair and Adoor Bhasi. The film won two National Awards. Following the Malayalam version, the film was made in Tamil, Telugu (Manushulu Marali) and Hindi (Samaj Ko Badal Dalo) with Sharada playing lead roles in all the versions.Synopsis
Two close friends,Vijaya (Sharada) and Vatsala (Sheela)/Kanchana(in Tamil) had to part ways after Vatsala's father, a lawyer loses a case of Vijaya's father and it results in the latter's death. Vijaya gets married to Ramu (Prem Nazir), a trade union leader against her will. Ramu leads a union strike and is killed when the agitation turns violent. Vijaya's life becomes miserable and she kills her starving children, but she is arrested before being able to commit suicide. In the end, she is given death penalty by the prosecution, led by her former dear friend Vatsala, who had become a famous lawyer in the meantime.