Till We Meet Again is a 2015 American romantic drama film, written and produced by Johan Matton, directed by Bank Tangjaitrong and starring Johan Matton, Linnea Larsdotter and Emrhys Cooper. The film tells the story about the young dependent writer Erik (Matton) and his girlfriend Joanna (Linnea Larsdotter) who travels to Thailand to save their relationship.
Matton claims been inspired to write the first outline of the film whilst living in Thailand but highlights that the story and screenplay is completely fictional.Synopsis
Till We Meet Again tells the story of a young New York couple that travels to Thailand. Erik (Johan Matton), a young writer, and Joanna (Linnea Larsdotter), argue and split up in the unfamiliar country and end up being separated. Joanna meets up with her childhood friend David, and Erik crosses paths with backpackers Jamie, Cecile and Miranda. The film follows their different journeys, cross cutting back to their life in New York, going further back in time leading up to the first time they met.