Till We Meet Again is a romantic drama film written and produced by John Matton and directed by Bank Tangjaitrong. The film premiered July 30, 2015, at the San Antonio Film Festival at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts in San Antonio, Texas. Its New York Premier was at Long Beach International Film Festival.Synopsis
When young couple Erik (John Matton) and Joanna (Linnea Larsdotter) visit Thailand together they have an argument and end up travelling separately. On her journey, Joanna meets her childhood friend David (Emrhys Cooper) and Erik crosses paths with backpackers Jamie (Timothy Ryan Hickernell), Cecile (Elly Han) and Miranda (Astrea Campbell-Cobb). During the hardships of their journeys, Joanna and Erik are forced by circumstances to do some self-examination to re-visit their earlier relationships and re-discover their feelings for each other.