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Under a Cloud est un film de genre Drame réalisé par George King avec Edward Rigby

Under a Cloud (1937)

Under a Cloud
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Policier
Note55% 2.7873952.7873952.7873952.7873952.787395

Under a Cloud is a 1937 British drama film directed by George King and starring Betty Ann Davies, Edward Rigby, Bernard Clifton, Brian Buchel and Peter Gawthorne. A man returns from Australia and tries to reconcile with his estranged family.




Edward Rigby

(Jimmy Forbes)
Betty Ann Davies

(Diana Forbes)
Renee Gadd

(Judy St. John)
Hilda Bayley

(Rosalyn Forbes)
Peter Gawthorne

(Sir Edmond Jessyl)
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