Crude Set Drama (AKA: Untitled Kinetoscope Comedy) is an 1895 British short black-and-white silent comedy film, produced and directed by Birt Acres for exhibition on Robert W. Paul's peep show Kinetoscopes, featuring two drunken men and a boy squabbling in a small bar. The film was long considered lost but footage discovered in the Henville collection in 1995 has been identified by the BFI as being from this film.
^ "Lost and found no. 4 – The Henville collection". The Bioscope. 2008-03-09. Retrieved 2011-05-25.
Réalisé parBirt Acres OrigineRoyaume-uni GenresDocumentaire ThèmesMise en scène d'un animal, Sport, Documentaire sur le sport, Les chevaux, Equitation Note47% A stationary camera looks diagonally across a racetrack toward the infield showing the horses as they pass. Once the horses have passed the camera it is clear that the race has come to an end and there is a close finish between three horses. Once the race is over police officers run onto the field. The camera also displays various members of the audience moving around.
Réalisé parBirt Acres OrigineRoyaume-uni GenresDocumentaire Note46% Three fishing boats are seen leaving the harbour at Great Yarmouth. Only the tail end of the first is seen as it leaves the harbour to the right. The second (named "Thrive" and registered as YH 120) is pulled by a steam paddle tugboat. A third fishing boat (named "I Will" and registered as YH 723) sails off-screen to the right.
Réalisé parBirt Acres OrigineRoyaume-uni GenresDocumentaire Note39% The film opens with a shot of the North Sea Canal with a winged statue on the far side. Three men row towards the shore in a small rowing boat while a small boy waits on the quayside and then turns to face the camera.