White: A Season in the Life of John Borden Evans is a documentary film produced by Heritage Film Project. The film, produced and directed by Eduardo Montes-Bradley, premiered at the Virginia Historical Society during the Richmond International Film Festival, and was awarded Best Short Documentary, 2015. "White" is part of a series of biographical sketches on "artists at work" which includes the names of Ernesto Deira, Perez Celis, Andres Waissman, and Humberto Calzada. "White: A Season in the Life of John Borden Evans” premiered on PBS on Thursday, July 2.
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Hubert Selby Jr, deux ou trois choses est l'unique documentaire sur l'écrivain américain réalisé de son vivant. Filmé au crépuscule de sa vie, Hubert Selby Jr évoque, dans une véritable mise à nu, sa vie d'excès, ses obsessions, la création littéraire et la musique qui a influencé son œuvre.
This short documentary film on the life of Louise Dahl-Wolfe draws upon her art and her personality. The documentary reviews how Dahl-Wolfe "discovered" Lauren Bacall, who at the time was a young actress (seventeen years-of-age) and worked as a model. It was Dahl-Wolfe's photos of Bacall that film producer Harry Warner saw, and subsequently asked Bacall that she come to Hollywood for a screen test. As a result, Bacall was cast opposite Humphrey Bogart in the film To Have and Have Not (1944).