Wonderful World is a 2009 dark comedy-drama film directed and written by Joshua Goldin, who in this movie makes his directorial debut. The film stars Matthew Broderick, Sanaa Lathan, Michael K. Williams and Jodelle Ferland.
The film was produced by Ambush Entertainment, Back Lot Pictures and Cold Iron Pictures with K5 International handling the world sales. In the summer of 2009, the film was picked up by Magnolia Pictures for distribution in 2010. Filming took place in Shreveport, Louisiana.Synopsis
Ben Singer (Matthew Broderick) is a former children's folk singer whose misanthropic worldview leads him to an isolated existence. When his Senegalese roommate Ibou (Michael K. Williams) falls into a diabetic coma and is taken to the hospital, his sister Khadi (Sanaa Lathan) arrives from Senegal to take care of him. After Khadi and Ben eventually fall in love, circumstances lead Ben to reconsider his way of thinking.