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You Are the Apple of My Eye est un film taiwanais de genre Drame avec Ko Chen-tung

You Are the Apple of My Eye (2011)

Na xie nian, wo men yi qi zhui de nv hai

You Are the Apple of My Eye
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Durée 1h50
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Comédie dramatique,    Romance
Note75% 3.7971953.7971953.7971953.7971953.797195

You Are the Apple of My Eye (Na xie nian, wo men yi qi zhui de nv hai) est un film taïwanais réalisé par Giddens Ko, sorti en 2011.


The story begins in 1994. An outstanding student, Shen Chia-yi is popular among her teachers and classmates. Ko Ching-teng, mischievous and a poor student, claims that he has no interest in her, despite being her classmate since junior high school. One day, Ching-teng is caught masturbating during class, and the principal reseats him, placing him in front of Chia-yi.


Ko Chen-tung

(Ching-Teng Ko)
Michelle Chen Yan-hsi

(Chia-Yi Shen)
Bande annonce de You Are the Apple of My Eye

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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