An acclaimed photographer with the eye of a filmmaker, Gregory Crewdson has created some of the most gorgeously haunting pictures in the history of the medium. His meticulously composed, large-scale images are stunning narratives of small-town American life—moviescapes crystallized into a single frame.
Crime After Crime tells the dramatic story of the legal battle to free Debbie Peagler, an incarcerated survivor of domestic violence. She was wrongly convicted of the murder of her abusive boyfriend, and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story est un fascinant documentaire sur les frères Sherman, le duo extraordinairement prolifique oscarisé à qui l'on doit tant de chansons, et dont la grande réussite professionnelle dans le divertissement familial cachait des différences de vues de plus en plus grandes au cours de leurs soixante années de partenariat.
Le film évoque la vie et le suicide du développeur, écrivain et cybermilitant américain Aaron Swartz. Le film est narré par des proches d'Aaron, notamment sa mère, ses frères et sa petite amie, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman.
Filmmaker Mark Wexler is not going down without a fight. Overwhelmed by the loss of his mother and confronted by his own advancing age, Wexler embarks on a curious, lively, and sometimes troubling worldwide trek to investigate what it really means to live forever.
Danfung Dennis filme le quotidien d'un régiment de l'armée américaine en Afghanistan, et plus particulièrement celui du Marine Harris jusqu'à son retour, blessé physiquement et mentalement, en Caroline du Nord.