Michel Gondry brosse un portrait de sa famille dans les Cévennes (sur les pentes du mont Aigoual entre la Lozère et le Gard), notamment celui de sa tante Suzette, institutrice de 1952 à 1986...
The film addresses the issues many soldiers face upon their return from the War in Iraq, including problems with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and an inability to meld back into "normal" society. The film includes footage of soldiers in Iraq and personal interviews with about two dozen people directly affected by the war (either veterans or family members/friends of veterans). The veterans, both men and women, speak of their experiences before, during, and after the war. The veterans speak about recruitment and training, combat, their returns home, facing their families, and their difficulties in making the necessary changes needed to fit back into society. The Ground Truth was released in theatres on September 15 of 2006 and released on DVD on September 26 of the same year. People can sign up to host screenings of the film online at The Ground Truth or view a low-resolution copy online, see bottom.
Last Days Here follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of Pentagram, an Alexandria, Virginia-based heavy metal group founded in 1971 and active sporadically throughout the following four decades. At the film's outset, Liebling is in his 50s, living in his parents' basement, and addicted to drugs. After Pentagram's music is rediscovered by the heavy metal underground scene, Liebling begins to recover from his lifestyle. His friend and manager Sean "Pellet" Pelletier attempts to help Liebling overcome his drug addiction and escape his old life. The film ends in 2010 with Liebling and Pentagram returning to the stage and Liebling sober, married and his new wife expecting their first child.
Un jeune cinéaste européen réalise un film avec des mineurs accueillis dans un centre de jeunes exclus de Tanger, au Maroc. Durant le tournage, les méthodes de travail peu orthodoxes du réalisateur entraînent une usure de sa relation avec les enfants, au point de modifier complètement le déroulement du projet.
Le corps décomposé d’une britannique est découvert dans son appartement de Londres, entouré de cadeaux de Noël encore jamais déballés. Devant elle, son écran de télévision est toujours allumé. Dans son réfrigérateur, les policiers retrouvent des aliments dont les dates de péremption remontent à trois années auparavant. Ils en concluent que la personne retrouvée est décédée depuis près de trois ans… Retour sur un fait divers qui a troublé l’Angleterre.
Only When I Dance tells the story of two teenagers, Irlan and Isabela, who pursue their dreams of becoming professional ballet dancers as a way to escape the violent slums of Rio de Janeiro.
The authorities demand much control over the performance of the theatre troupe, and try to use it for propaganda purposes. The film crew plays along, but among themselves and in the voice-over they are critical of the regime.