In June 1950, while stationed at Kimpo, South Korea, Captain George Slocum (John Hodiak) finds out from his friend, Lieutenant Jerry Barker (Todd Karns), that he has to go to Japan. At the airport, he meets Barker's younger brother, Pete (John Derek), who takes up a Stinson L-5 Sentinel liaison aircraft and begins showing off. George reprimands him for careless flying, but sticks up for him when the military police want to arrest Pete.
During the Korean War, while American Air Force pilots Lt. John Willard (William Bryant) and his brother Frank (Dick Paxton) are flying a routine reconnaissance mission, their commanding officer, Col. Ed Wyatt (Dan Duryea) orders them to bomb an enemy position. Frank's aircraft is shot down, and John returns to confront his commander over the reason for the dangerous mission. Wyatt's executive officer, Maj. Scott (Michael Fox) stops him and relates a story about Wyatt's career during World War II.
Four employees on an oil company crash-land in the desert and face a slow death, until they discover a German Panzer from World War II buried in the sand.
Un avion de ligne se retrouve sans communication radio à la suite de problèmes météo. Il ne peut communiquer avec le contrôle aérien ni avec les autres appareils. Ses passagers sont affolés et font le bilan de leur existence.
Jack était un as du contrôle aérien, le meilleur. Jusqu'au jour où un jour où un crash a ruiné sa carrière et sa vie privée. Aujourd'hui encore, il est hanté par l'horrible souvenir des derniers mots du pilote. Lorsque une violente tempête éclate sur Phoenix, Jack est réquisitionné. Il va devoir faire face à l'impossible: oublier le passé et tenter de faire atterrir des douzaines d'avions transportant des centaines de passagers. Mais tous les appareils de contrôle sont en panne ....
Après trois années de traque, Nick Halton, agent du FBI, vient enfin d'appréhender Jérémy Barrett, un redoutable criminel. Ce dernier doit maintenant être transféré par avion de Los Angeles à New York pour y être jugé et emprisonné. À bord du 747, où il est placé sous la garde de l'agent Taja, toutes les précautions ont été prises pour que le vol commercial s'effectue sans problème. Mais une avarie technique va permettre à Barrett de prendre le contrôle de l'appareil...
Lieutenant Robert Banks (Buddy Rogers), a young American aviator in the Lafayette Escadrille, on leave in Paris, meets Mary Gordon (Jean Arthur), a young American living abroad. Their romance is cut short by his return to the front. In an air battle, Robert brings down and captures von Baden, nicknamed the "Grey Eagle" (Paul Lukas), and takes him to Allied headquarters in Paris, to obtain intelligence on German plans.
Test pilot Joe Kovak (Stanley Clements) work for Sam Bentley (John Litel), the former partner of Joe's deceased father. Because Joe's father was killed while flying, however, his mother (Dorothy Adams) is afraid for her son. Bentley is competing for an important government contact but Joe is putting the effort into jeopardy as his brash attitude and propensity in disobeying orders, is becoming troublesome.
The young pilot Toby Jugg (Pattinson) is cut down with his plane during a bombing on the city of Dresden during World War II. This incident forced him on the wheelchair and his aunt Julia (Stirling), decides to take him to a nursing home in Wales, headed by Dr. Hal Burns (Sands), in hopes that he will manage to recover.
1942, temps de guerre, Singapour. Un pilote de chasse australien est battu au combat, il se réveille suspendu dans les arbres. La nuit tombe, il arpente la jungle dangereuse à la recherche d'un sanctuaire...