Tina McIntyre is a fictional character from the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street. Portrayed by actress Michelle Keegan, the character first appeared on-screen during the episode that was shown 7 January 2008. The character was central to many key storylines relating to issues such as perjury, abortion and surrogacy, and had relationships with male characters such as David Platt (Jack P. Shepherd), Graeme Proctor (Craig Gazey), Tommy Duckworth (Chris Fountain), Dr. Matt Carter (Oliver Mellor) and Jason Grimshaw (Ryan Thomas), and had an affair with married man Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne). Tina has also engaged in feuds with Kylie Platt (Paula Lane), Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) and Kirsty Soames (Natalie Gumede).
In April 2013, it was announced that Keegan would be leaving the show, and in October 2013 it was announced that her character would be murdered. Tina was pushed from the balcony and beaten with a lead pipe by Rob Donovan (Marc Baylis) and died of her injuries on 2 June 2014, which was her final appearance. Tina's funeral took place on 23 June 2014.
, 1h47 OrigineRoyaume-uni GenresComédie ThèmesAfrique post-coloniale ActeursWendi Peters, Jennie McAlpine, Sam Aston, Andrew Whyment, Katherine Kelly, Michelle Keegan Note63% The story begins soon after John Stape's (Graeme Hawley) kidnapping of Rosie Webster (Helen Flanagan) was revealed in the main show. In the soap, Fiz Brown (Jennie McAlpine) receives bad news from her mother, Cilla (Wendi Peters), about her brother, Chesney (Sam Aston), who had recently gone with her friend and ex-boyfriend Kirk Sutherland (Andrew Whyment) to South Africa to see Cilla.