William "Bill" Lumbergh is a fictional character, who appeared initially in the Milton animated shorts, and later was portrayed by Gary Cole in the 1999 film Office Space. A caricature of corporate management, Lumbergh is a division Vice President of the software company Initech, and serves as the main antagonist of the film.
He drives a blue Porsche 911 SC with a vanity license plate "MY PRSHE". He wears a two-tone shirt with French cuffs, and for his dress pants he has suspenders and a buckle belt - a fashion faux pas as well as a college class ring.
Lumbergh is a micromanager who is focused on pointless paperwork, notably TPS reports. He has been described as "the antithesis of the motivational management leadership ideal". He greets subordinates with an unenthusiastic "what's happening?", and when asking an employee to do an unpleasant task, starts the sentence with, "I'm gonna need you to", or "if you could go ahead", as well as ending these requests with "that'd be great" and "mmmkay?" A Wharton Journal article said that the character "brilliantly exposed the emptiness of linguistic conventions at work." Social historian Joe Moran writes that Lumbergh's "non-confrontational" communication style "masks the reality of management coercion".
In the film, Lumbergh works with manager Dom Portwood (another micromanager, though less extreme than Lumbergh), and consultants Bob Slydell and Bob Porter, to find ways to downsize the company.
Cole later reprised Lumbergh on the Family Guy episode "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Fonz" in a cameo appearance, as well as appearing in ads for State Farm and HipChat. Lumbergh's "that'd be great" catchphrase has also morphed into a popular internet meme.
, 1h29 Réalisé parMike Judge OrigineEtats-Unis GenresComédie, Policier ThèmesLe monde du travail, Films pour enfants ActeursRon Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, Stephen Root, David Herman, Gary Cole, Ajay Naidu Note75% Peter est cadre informatique dans une grande société de développement logiciel (Initech) et sa vie n'est que routine : les bouchons, son boss, la journée dans un bureau à cloisons, les mémos et rapports ineptes, etc. Menacé par deux consultants et leur plan social, et après avoir consulté un hypnotiseur l'ayant rendu totalement cool, il élabore avec ses amis et collègues de travail Michael Bolton et Samir une arnaque pour voler l'entreprise à l'aide d'un virus informatique.