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Arthur St. Claire est un Scénariste Américain né le 20 juillet 1899

Arthur St. Claire

Arthur St. Claire
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Nom de naissance Arthur Frederic Evens
Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 20 juillet 1899
Mort 18 octobre 1950 (à 51 ans) à Los Angeles (Etats-Unis)

Arthur Frederic St. Claire Evens (born July 20, 1899, New York, died October 18, 1950, Los Angeles, age 51) was a screenwriter who wrote the script for the Frank Buck adventure thriller Tiger Fangs.

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Filmographie de Arthur St. Claire (12 films)

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Le Masque de Dijon, 1h13
Réalisé par Lew Landers
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Thriller, Horreur, Noir, Policier
Thèmes Magie
Acteurs Erich von Stroheim, Jeanne Bates, William Wright, Edward Van Sloan, Denise Vernac, George Chandler
Note56% 2.8019252.8019252.8019252.8019252.801925
Le magicien Dijon (Erich von Stroheim) s'intéresse à l'hypnose et utilise sa femme Victoria (Jeanne Bates) comme cobaye. Cette dernière souhaite le quitter pour rejoindre la troupe du producteur Tony Holiday (William Wright ).
Queen of Burlesque
Réalisé par Sam Newfield
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Musical, Policier
Acteurs Evelyn Ankers, Carleton Young, Marion Martin, Carleton G. Young, Alice Fleming, Emory Parnell
Note60% 3.0053353.0053353.0053353.0053353.005335
Crystal McCoy (Evelyn Ankers), connue sous le nom de Queen of Burlesque, est la principale vedette de la revue de Joe Nolan (Craig Reynolds ). Elle découvre avec amertume et colère que Nolan a choisi une autre artiste, Dolly DeVoe (Jacqueline Dalya), pour être la star de sa prochaine revue. Elle annonce alors à Nolan son départ à la fin de son contrat. L'arrivée de Dolly suscite de nombreuses jalousies. Tandis que la position de la jeune Blossom Terrain (Rose La Rose) est menacée, une autre danseuse de la troupe, Lola Cassell (Marion Martin), va même jusqu'à accuser Dolly de meurtre. C'est pourtant cette dernière qui est retrouvée assassinée, déclenchant une macabre série au sein de la troupe.
Delinquent Daughters, 1h12
Réalisé par Albert Herman
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Policier
Acteurs June Carlson, Fifi D'Orsay, Teala Loring, Margia Dean, Johnny Duncan, Frank McGlynn Sr.
Note33% 1.690621.690621.690621.690621.69062
Both family and community is shaken by the unexpected, tragic suicides of teenage girl Lucille Dillerton. Her friends at high school, June Thompson, Francine Van Pelt and Sally Higgins, are devastated and discuss among them the reasons for their friend to jump off the pier into the river like she did. Lucille's death is investigated by the police, to rule out any alternative causes to Lucille's death, and in charge of the investigation is Lt. Hanahan. He arrives to the high school, and the principal, Mr. Moffatt, is ordered to call the girls into his office for questioning by the police officer. One of the girls, Sally, doesn't want to cooperate and answer the questions.
Submarine Base, 1h5
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Guerre, Action
Thèmes La mer, Transport, Guerre en milieu sous-marin, Politique
Acteurs John Litel, Alan Baxter, Eric Blore, Rafael Storm, Fifi D'Orsay, Iris Adrian
Note44% 2.244392.244392.244392.244392.24439
Ship engineer Jim Taggert is rescued from a torpedoed tramp steamer by Joe Morgan, an American gangster that found New York too hot for him, and has become a fisherman operating from an out-of-the-way island off of the coast of South America. Morgan makes his headquarters at the Halfway House run by the parents of Maria Styx as a bar and dance resort catering to the planters and traders of the island. Taggert finds himself practically a prisoner along with a group of American girls acting as entertainers at the resort. Taggert shadows Morgan in his activities in a remote cove and finds that Morgan is supplying German U-boat commanders with torpedoes, but does not know that Morgan has rigged the torpedoes with clock devices that explode when at sea and sinks the U-boats.
Le Mystère de la jungle, 58minutes
Réalisé par Sam Newfield
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Thriller, Action, Aventure
Thèmes Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Acteurs June Duprez, Frank Buck, Dan Seymour, Duncan Renaldo, Arno Frey, J. Farrell MacDonald
Note48% 2.414292.414292.414292.414292.41429
L'explorateur renommé Frank Buck est envoyé par le gouvernement des États-Unis pour enquêter sur une récente série d'attaques de tigres en extrême-orient. Il constate que les attaques ont entraîné un arrêt de la production de caoutchouc, ce qui est problématique pour l'effort de guerre des alliés. Les villageois sont convaincus que les tigres sont habités par des esprits du mal.
Dawn Express, 54minutes
Réalisé par Albert Herman
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Guerre, Action, Aventure
Acteurs Joseph Kenneth Shovlin, Anne Nagel, William Bakewell, Constance Worth, Hans Heinrich von Twardowski, Jack Mulhall
Note45% 2.290642.290642.290642.290642.29064
It is in the middle of World War II and Nazi Captain Gemmler is in need of a powerful chemical formula to improve the energy output of ordinary gasoline. In his quest for this formula he finds two candidates to help him with a solution: the chemist and playboy Tom Fielding and his co-worker Robert Norton, who is engaged to Tom's sister Nancy. They are already involved in such a project for another employer, and Captain Gemmler decides to kidnap them for his own use, using his secret agents.
A Yank In Libya, 1h7
Réalisé par Albert Herman
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Guerre, Romance
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs H. B. Warner, Walter Woolf King, Duncan Renaldo, Joan Woodbury, George J. Lewis, Wilhelm von Brincken
Note43% 2.1970152.1970152.1970152.1970152.197015
American correspondent Mike Malone uncovers a Nazi plot for an uprising of the Arab tribes in Libya. Pursued by Sheik David and his men, Mike takes refuge in the suite of Nancy Brooks, who is in the British Intelligence. He asks her to hide a gun and escapes through a window. Reporting the affair to British Consul Herbert Forbes, the latter tries to discourage him from further investigation, as the British are aware of the plot and are planning on staging a coup. He goes with Mike to Nancy's apartment, and she denies having ever seen him before. Sheik Ibrahim, next in command of the Arab tribe to Sheik David, is plotting with Nazi agent Yussof Streyer to kill David who is friendly with the British. Mike and Nancy have gone to David's camp, escape from Ibrahim's henchmen, and get back to El Moktar before the Arabs attack the garrison.
The Yanks Are Coming, 1h5
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Comédie romantique, Musical
Thèmes Musique, Politique
Acteurs Mary Healy, Dorothy Dare, Jane Novak, Dave O'Brien, Forrest Taylor
Note43% 2.1796552.1796552.1796552.1796552.179655
During World War II singer Bob Reynolds leaves his band to enlist in the US Army. His band soon follows him where the Army uses the group to put on a show for the troops.