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Barbara Bedford est une Actrice Américaine née le 19 juillet 1903 à Prairie du Chien (Etats-Unis)

Barbara Bedford

Barbara Bedford
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Nom de naissance Violet Rose
Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 19 juillet 1903 à Prairie du Chien (Etats-Unis)
Mort 25 octobre 1981 (à 78 ans) à Jacksonville (Etats-Unis)

Barbara Bedford (nom de scène de Violet Rose) est une actrice américaine de la période du cinéma muet, née le 19 juillet 1903 à Prairie du Chien (Wisconsin), Wisconsin et morte le 25 octobre 1981 à Jacksonville (Floride)


Elle débute au cinéma en 1920 et est la vedette de nombreux films muets. Par la suite, elle continue de jouer dans des seconds rôles et apparait pour la dernière fois dans un film en 1945.

Elle a été mariée à Alan Roscoe, son partenaire dans Le Dernier des Mohicans.

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Filmographie de Barbara Bedford (52 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Un commando en Bretagne, 1h36
Réalisé par Jack Conway
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Guerre
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Jean-Pierre Aumont, Susan Peters, Margaret Wycherly, Signe Hasso, Richard Whorf, George Coulouris
Rôle une infirmière
Note65% 3.2885653.2885653.2885653.2885653.288565
En France, durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le capitaine Pierre Matard arrive quelque part sur la côte bretonne. Choisi pour sa ressemblance avec le collaborateur présumé Bertrand Corlay (détenu en Angleterre), il rejoint la ferme de la famille Corlay, où il rencontre notamment Henriette Corlay et Anne Pinot, respectivement mère et fiancée de Bertrand. Sa mission étant de localiser la cachette d'un sous-marin allemand, il contacte la Résistance locale...
Benjamin Franklin, Jr.
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Billy Laughlin, Robert Blake, Janet Burston, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Barbara Bedford
Rôle Janet's mother
Note51% 2.5664552.5664552.5664552.5664552.566455
The gang kids are upset that World War II is causing them deprivations and inconveniences. Organizing a fact-finding committee, Gang members Mickey, Froggy, Buckwheat, and Janet try to determine what to do about the present national crisis. With the help of a convenient copy of Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac, the kids stage a play in which they cathartically come to grips with the sacrifices indigenous to the war effort, and provide patriotic solutions to the situation.
Family Troubles, 11minutes
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Janet Burston, Billy Laughlin, Robert Blake, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Sarah Padden, Barbara Bedford
Rôle Mary Burston
Note52% 2.6277652.6277652.6277652.6277652.627765
Janet feels that her parents don't love her anymore because they made her older sister the definite center of attention during her aunt's visit. Filled with anger and despair, she decides to run away. The gang volunteers to help Janet become "adapted" by another couple and choose elderly Mr. and Mrs. Jones as potential candidates. One boy overhears their plans and immediately confronts Janet's parents, who call the police.
Seeing Hands, 11minutes
Réalisé par Gunther von Fritsch
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Guerre
Acteurs Barbara Bedford, Russell Gleason, Robert Frazer, George McFarland, Pete Smith
Rôle Ben's Mother (uncredited)
Note66% 3.317133.317133.317133.317133.31713
Rover's Big Chance
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Robert Blake, Billy Laughlin, Janet Burston, George McFarland, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Bobby Anderson
Rôle Studio clerk
Note59% 2.9672852.9672852.9672852.9672852.967285
Future film star Stephen McNally (here billed as Horace McNally) appears in this Our Gang episode as Bill Patterson, ace director at Mammoth Studios. On the say-so of studio casting director J.D. Broderick, Patterson agrees to give a screen test to the Our Gang kids' talented dog Rover. Alas, the petulant pooch does not take direction well, nor does he respond positively when the cameraman announces that he's "ready to shoot."
1-2-3-Go! (1941)

Réalisé par Edward L. Cahn
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Robert Blake, George McFarland, Billy Laughlin, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Arthur Hoyt, May McAvoy
Rôle Ann, a nurse
Note53% 2.662842.662842.662842.662842.66284
While playing baseball on a busy street in Greenpoint, Mickey is struck by a car. Though he fully recovers from his injuries, Mickey meets several other kids in the hospital who weren't so lucky. Instantly developing a sense of civic responsibility, the Gang members establish the "1-2-3 Go Safety Society," dedicated to lowering the number of auto injuries in their community.
Come Back, Miss Pipps
Réalisé par Edward L. Cahn
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Robert Blake, George McFarland, Billy Laughlin, Darla Hood, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Clarence Wilson
Rôle Parent
Note67% 3.3514753.3514753.3514753.3514753.351475
Upon learning that Mr. Pratt, the mean old school board chairman, has fired their beloved teacher Miss Pipps because she threw a birthday party for one of her students during class, the gang decides to invite their parents to a special performance of a play exposing Pratt's injustices in running the school. As a result, he's demoted to caretaker, while Mr. Swenson is justifiably promoted to Pratt's former position...and Miss Pipps returns. Yet, compassion is shown to Mr. Pratt when his birthday is honored.
Wedding Worries
Réalisé par Edward L. Cahn
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs George McFarland, Margaret Bert, Darla Hood, Billy Laughlin, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Robert Blake
Rôle Miss Douglas
Note58% 2.9163352.9163352.9163352.9163352.916335
Having read horror stories about wicked stepmothers, the gang is determined to break up the marriage between Darla Hood's widowed father and his new bride. Never bothering to find out, as Darla has, that the second Mrs. Hood is a wonderful woman, the kids pull off all sorts of pranks at the wedding ceremony, from playing the radio too loud to releasing a cylinder of laughing gas. The wedding guests start smiling then laughing as the gas fills the room. Someone in the building discovers what they're doing and shuts off the canister. The wedding is temporarily postponed and the gang is sentenced to a spanking, assembly-line style.
Alfalfa's Double
Réalisé par Edward L. Cahn
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Carl Switzer, George McFarland, Darla Hood, Robert Blake, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Leonard Landy
Rôle Alfalfa's mother
Note64% 3.220583.220583.220583.220583.22058
Alfalfa comes face to face with his wealthy lookalike Cornelius (also played by Carl Switzer). This fateful meeting provides a golden opportunity for both boys: By trading places with his double, Alfalfa will be able to weasel out of his yard work and live a life of luxury, while Cornelius will be able to escape the rigors of dancing lessons, baths, and the like, and briefly enjoy the benefits of being a "regular kid." But the consequences of the boys' identity-trading serves only to lend credence to the old saying "Stay in your own backyard." Alfalfa is not used to the dancing lessons, formal meals, having to behave like a gentleman, minding table manners (where his meal is taken away and replaced with an artichoke), reading lessons, and an afternoon nap. Cornelius fares as bad when he has yardwork to do and finds that the rough play is not for him. In the end they secretly switch back and Alfalfa comes back to a messy yard that the gang cleaned up earlier but messed up due to the lack of help from his double.
All About Hash, 10minutes
Réalisé par Edward L. Cahn
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Robert Blake, George McFarland, Carl Switzer, Darla Hood, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Leonard Landy
Rôle Martha, Alfalfa's mother
Note53% 2.694282.694282.694282.694282.69428
It seems that Mickey is upset over the fact that his parents spend every Monday night arguing. The reason: Mickey's mom invariably serves hash made from the Sunday-dinner leftovers, and Mickey's dad hates hash. To teach the two adults a lesson, the Our Gang kids stage a skit on a local radio program, ending with a heartfelt plea by Mickey to stop the quarrelling.
Bubbling Troubles, 10minutes
Réalisé par Edward L. Cahn
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Carl Switzer, George McFarland, Darla Hood, Robert Blake, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Leonard Landy
Rôle Alfalfa's mother
Note67% 3.3626353.3626353.3626353.3626353.362635
Butch wins the heart of Darla, leaving heartbroken Alfalfa to cry in his alphabet soup. Mistaking the boy's doldrums for indigestion, Alfalfa's dad prepares to give his son a good dose of "Settles-It" Powder. Later on, the kids pay a visit to Butch's jerry-built chemistry lab, where the young troublemaker is mixing up what he claims is an explosive. Recognizing the mixture as Settles-It Powder, the crafty Alfalfa offers himself as Butch's guinea pig, "bravely" downing the concoction in hopes of impressing Darla. Alas, the powders haven't been properly combined, and before long Alfalfa becomes drastically bloated and the rest of the gang is convinced that he has become a walking bomb.
Good Bad Boys
Réalisé par Edward L. Cahn
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs George McFarland, Carl Switzer, Robert Blake, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Leonard Landy, Byron Foulger
Rôle Alfalfa's mother
Note61% 3.093683.093683.093683.093683.09368
Slicker steals an orange from a fruit stand, and Alfalfa is wrongfully accused and punished for it. An angry Alfalfa decides to get even with his parents by embarking upon a life of crime. To that end, he enlists the other kids as his "mob." Hoping to deflect his pals from this drastic action, Spanky McFarland decides to teach the gang a lesson. He tricks the kids into thinking they're burglarizing a house, when in fact they're merely helping their neighbor, Mrs. Wilson, clean out her junk. Things take an unexpected turn when a real-life fugitive from justice chooses the gang's clubhouse as his hideout, with the cops hot on his heels. Assuming the police are after them, Alfalfa and the gang confess to their "crime," not knowing what the real crime committed by the real criminal was. The next morning they are arraigned and Spanky comes in with Mrs. Wilson to explain what had really happened. Meanwhile, Slicker is being arraigned with his mother for what seems to be an unrelated crime. For Alfalfa, Spanky, and the rest of the gang, everything is solved.
Alfalfa's Aunt
Réalisé par George Sidney
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Carl Switzer, Barbara Bedford, George McFarland, Blossom Rock, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Eugene "Porky" Lee
Rôle Martha Switzer, Alfalfa's mother
Note73% 3.6727953.6727953.6727953.6727953.672795
Alfalfa's Aunt Penelope sends the Switzers a telegram that says that she's coming to visit. She has given up her pursuits of being a sculptor and has turned to writing murder mysteries. Just before Alfalfa's parents leave to attend a meeting that night, Penelope reads Alfalfa's father John a page of her story, which is written in the form of a letter:
Au service de la loi, 1h20
Réalisé par Josef von Sternberg
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Policier
Acteurs Wallace Beery, Alan Curtis, Tom Brown, Laraine Day, Fay Holden, Marc Lawrence
Rôle L'infirmière
Note60% 3.0491053.0491053.0491053.0491053.049105
Le fils d'un shérif essaye de suivre les traces de son père, mais est tellement violent qu'il se retrouve hors-la-loi.