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Dorothy Seacombe est un Acteur né le 22 mars 1906

Dorothy Seacombe

Dorothy Seacombe
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Naissance 22 mars 1906 (118 ans)

Dorothy Seacombe (March 22, 1906-December 1994) was a British film actress.

Le plus souvent avec

Henry Edwards
Henry Edwards
(2 films)
Harry Lachman
Harry Lachman
(1 films)
C.V. France
C.V. France
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Dorothy Seacombe (6 films)

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The Ware Case, 1h19
Réalisé par Robert Stevenson
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Clive Brook, Jane Baxter, Barry K. Barnes, C.V. France, Francis L. Sullivan, Frank Cellier
Rôle Mrs. Sheila Slade
Note62% 3.1417553.1417553.1417553.1417553.141755
The jury looks back on events that lead to profligate baronet Sir Hubert Ware being tried for murder. His brother-in-law's corpse has been found floating in Sir Hubert's garden pond. The baronet is eventually found not guilty, but upon returning home, finds his lawyer is having an affair with his wife. In the ensuing argument, and on discovering his wife loves another man, Sir Hubert confesses his guilt and then makes a suicidal leap from a balcony.