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Felix Adler est un Réalisateur et Scénariste Américain né le 22 janvier 1884 à Chicago (Etats-Unis)

Felix Adler

Felix Adler
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Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 22 janvier 1884 à Chicago (Etats-Unis)
Mort 25 mars 1963 (à 79 ans) à Woodland Hills (Etats-Unis)

Felix Adler (né le 22 janvier 1884 à Chicago - mort le 25 mars 1963) est un scénariste américain.

Il est connu pour son travail sur de nombreux films avec Harold Lloyd, Mack Sennett et Laurel et Hardy, et pour le court métrage Men in Black qui a été nommé pour un Oscar en 1934.

Ses meilleurs films

Men in Black (1934)

Le plus souvent avec

Jules White
Jules White
(75 films)
Moe Howard
Moe Howard
(73 films)
Larry Fine
Larry Fine
(73 films)
Shemp Howard
Shemp Howard
(42 films)
Curly Howard
Curly Howard
(29 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Felix Adler (88 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


You Nazty Spy!
Réalisé par Clyde Bruckman, Felix Adler, Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard, Richard Fiske, Lorna Gray, Dick Curtis
Note77% 3.8823.8823.8823.8823.882
In the fictional country of Moronika, three munitions manufacturers—Messrs. Ixnay (Richard Fiske), Onay (Dick Curtis) and Amscray (Don Beddoe)—decide their country is in need of a change. They decide to implement a dictatorship, oust the king, and go about finding someone stupid enough to be a figurehead leader. Ixnay volunteers the three wallpaper hangers simultaneously working in his dining room—the Stooges.


Fifi Blows Her Top
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe Besser, Philip Van Zandt, Joe Palma, Harriette Tarler
Note60% 3.04793.04793.04793.04793.0479
The Stooges reminisce about their wartime romances in Europe. After they finish their tales, they discover that Joe's girl Fifi (Vanda Dupre), whom he left behind in Paris, has moved in next door. The only problem is that she is now married to a very evil jealous and unappreciative husband (Philip Van Zandt).
Oil's Well That Ends Well
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe Besser
Note62% 3.1438753.1438753.1438753.1438753.143875
The Stooges have lost their jobs. Adding insult to injury, they received a letter from Dad with the news that he requires surgery. To help pay for the operation, the father suggests the boys search for uranium on his mining property. The boys locate the uranium, but run afoul of a load of dynamite. Then, when they are trying to fix the water pump, it starts gushing oil. Joe tries to cork it by sitting on it, but he is sent flying into the air. When he wishes it would stop, it does, much to Moe and Larry's dismay. Joe manages to get the oil started again, and the boys are in the money.
Hoofs And Goofs
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe Besser, Harriette Tarler, Benny Rubin, Tom Mix
Note52% 2.6181452.6181452.6181452.6181452.618145
Joe cannot stop thinking of his late sister, Bertie. Moe and Larry humour him by making him think that Bertie will meet them the following day downtown, in some form. When the boys trek downtown, they meet up with a horse that turns out to be Bertie reincarnated, much to Moe and Larry's surprise.
Horsing Around
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe Besser, Emil Sitka, Harriette Tarler, Tom Mix
Note48% 2.4312652.4312652.4312652.4312652.431265
The short begins with Joe talking about the injured circus horse Schnapps who might be destroyed. Moe and Larry tell him to forget about that horse and instead focus on their sister Bertie. The Stooges' sister Bertie is a reincarnated horse who is trying to track down her mate. It's during breakfast that Bertie reveals that her mate is Schnapps. The Stooges spit out their food, realizing that the horse that's about to be destroyed is Bertie's mate.
A Merry Mix-Up
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe Besser, Nanette Bordeaux, Jeanne Carmen, Ruth Godfrey
Note67% 3.374623.374623.374623.374623.37462
The Stooges play 3 sets of identical triplets, born one year apart. All nine brothers lose track of each other after World War II, unaware that they are all living in the same city. One set (Moe, Larry and Joe) is single, one (Max, Louie and Jack) is married, and the other (Morris, Luke and Jeff) is engaged.
Muscle Up A Little Closer
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe Besser, Maxine Gates, Ruth Godfrey, Ruth White
Note57% 2.857542.857542.857542.857542.85754
Moe, Larry and Joe are about propose marriage to their sweethearts. But later, the boys discover that Joe's fiancee's ring has been stolen. The Stooges suspect it is Elmo, a muscular bully who works at their plant. The Stooges come face to face with him in the company gym, but when they try to make him give the ring back by physical force, the plan backfires and Moe and Larry are knocked senseless. But Joe's girl (Maxine Gates) is tougher and knocks out Elmo. She retrieves the ring and she can now marry Joe.
Rusty Romeos
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe Besser, Connie Cezon
Note59% 2.952682.952682.952682.952682.95268
The Stooges wake up one bright morning and happily realize that they are about to get married. After breakfast, they start cleaning the house. The usual antics occur as the boys make a near shambles of their home.
Commotion On The Ocean
Réalisé par Edward Bernds, Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Espionnage, Policier
Thèmes Espionnage, Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard, Gene Roth, Harriette Tarler, Joe Palma
Note59% 2.998892.998892.998892.998892.99889
The Stooges play janitors who work at a newspaper office, begging to be given a chance to become reporters. The managing editor (Charles C. Wilson) promises to think about it over dinner. The phone rings while he is out and Moe answers. The person on the other end is one of the boss's reporters, Smitty (Emil Sitka), who relays a scoop to Moe that some important documents have been stolen by foreign spies. Coincidentally, the spy with the microfilmed documents, Mr. Borscht (Gene Roth) lives next door to the Stooges. He and the boys wind up as stowaways on an ocean liner. Stranded on a freighter on the high seas, and sustained by eating salami, the boys eventually overtake Borscht, recover the microfilm, and are thrilled with their newspaper scoop.
Creeps (1956)

Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Fantômes, Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard, Phil Arnold
Note68% 3.4306653.4306653.4306653.4306653.430665
The Stooges tell their three sons (also the Stooges) about the time they had jobs as moving men assigned to the haunted Smorgasbord Castle. All goes well until a clanking suit of armor inhabited by the ghost of Sir Tom (voiced by Phil Arnold) instructs the Stooges to leave him be. Shemp, Larry and Moe all take turns trying to move Tom but he spooks the Stooges away.
Flagpole Jitters
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard, Frank Sully, Mary Ainslee, Vernon Dent
Note67% 3.3811653.3811653.3811653.3811653.381165
The Stooges are three paperhangers who also look after invalid Mary, who uses a wheelchair. While working, they are taken by one poster that advertises a great hypnotist, Svengarlic ("He'll steal your breath away!" the poster announces). The Stooges want the hypnotist to work his magic on Mary so that she can walk again, but Svengarlic is more interested in winning an audience to create a diversion by hypnotizing the Stooges.
For Crimin Out Loud
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard, Emil Sitka, Duke York, Ralph Dunn
Note70% 3.5254253.5254253.5254253.5254253.525425
The Stooges work for Miracle Detective Agency, and are hired by a middle-aged millionaire named John Goodrich (Emil Sitka) to track down some racketeers who have threatened his life. Upon arrival at Old Man Goodrich's mansion, the boys are quickly seduced by a beautiful blonde (Christine McIntyre) who puts a dose of poison in Shemp's drink. Moe and Larry revive Shemp and a spectacular chase ensues, culminating in a lights-out fight, with the Stooges coming out on top.
Hot Stuff
Hot Stuff (1956)

Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Espionnage, Policier
Thèmes Espionnage, Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard, Joe Palma, Emil Sitka, Gene Roth
Note63% 3.1897953.1897953.1897953.1897953.189795
The Stooges are secret agents working undercover at the home of Professor Sneed (Emil Sitka) and his daughter (Christine McIntyre). Sneed is developing a rocket fuel in secret for the government. Captain Rork (Philip Van Zandt) watches the professor through his front window, with hopes of kidnapping him. Of course, Rork and his henchmen capture the Stooges instead, mistaking Larry for the professor. Trouble brews when the Stooges are required to whip up some the fuel, and then write down the formula. It does not take long for the kidnappers to capture the real Professor Sneed, along with his daughter, and throw them all in jail until the formula is disclosed. As Rork serves the Stooges their last meal, they steal the jail keys from him and use their fake fuel to break themselves, Professor Sneed and his daughter out of the jail and make a quick exit.
Husbands Beware
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard, Lu Leonard, Maxine Gates, Christine McIntyre
Note71% 3.5753853.5753853.5753853.5753853.575385
Moe and Larry marry Shemp's overweight sisters (Lou Leonard and Maxine Gates), and discover to their horror after the vows that the girls are a couple of battle axes. After being kicked out from their place, the new bridegrooms vow revenge on Shemp for introducing them. Later, Shemp has a voice lesson with student, Fanny Dinkelmeyer since he is a music teacher. He then discovers that he has to marry a woman within seven hours to receive $500,000 from his dead Uncle's will.
Rumpus In The Harem
Réalisé par Jules White
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Buddy movie
Acteurs Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard, Joe Palma, Vernon Dent, George J. Lewis
Note63% 3.1895453.1895453.1895453.1895453.189545
The Stooges play the proprietors of the Cafe Casbah Bah, a Middle Eastern restaurant. One morning Moe and Larry are awakened by their crying sweethearts, who are in need of money to pay off a bad debt. While attempting to prepare a meal for customers Hassan Ben Sober (Vernon Dent) and Gin-A Rummy (George J. Lewis), the Stooges try to think of a way to raise the needed cash. In the interim, they discover a plan that their hungry customers are hatching. These two thieves are attempting to rob the tomb of Rootentooten, which contains a priceless diamond, but they discover that the Emir of Schmow (Johnny Kascier) has already gotten his hands on the diamond. The two plotters start wailing and are thrown out of the restaurant. The Stooges then attempt to retrieve the diamond themselves, as there is a $50,000 reward at stake.