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Henry Saari est un Acteur Finlandais né le 14 janvier 1964 à Pori (Finlande)

Henry Saari

Henry Saari
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Nationalité Finlande
Naissance 14 janvier 1964 (60 ans) à Pori (Finlande)

Henry Saari (born 14 January 1964, in Pori, Finland), also known as Henry the Great (Henry Suuri) is a Finnish actor, director and porn star. In 1993, Saari won the title of Mr. Finland and placed 3rd in the Mr. Europe contest.

Saari is best known for the five eponymous Henry the Great movies he directed and starred in between 1998 and 2001. Aside from his pornographic work, Saari had parts in the Hollywood movie History Is Made at Night (1999) and the mainstream Finnish movie Young Gods (2003).

Le plus souvent avec

Kati Outinen
Kati Outinen
(1 films)
Bruno Kirby
Bruno Kirby
(1 films)
Udo Kier
Udo Kier
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Henry Saari (2 films)

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Spy Games
Spy Games (1999)
, 1h35
Genres Comédie, Action, Romance
Acteurs Bill Pullman, Irène Jacob, Bruno Kirby, Glenn Plummer, Udo Kier, André Oumansky
Rôle Porn Man
Note45% 2.2636852.2636852.2636852.2636852.263685
Harry (Bill Pullman) is a seasoned CIA agent who is looking to forget his past and become his cover identity—a jazz club owner in Helsinki, Finland. Natasha (Irène Jacob) is a young, ambitious SVR (KGB) agent who is looking to secure a future for herself amidst the chaos of the new Russian Federation and her floundering intelligence agency. Originally assigned to spy on Harry, Natasha has fallen in love with the object of her spying, and her assignment has led to a torrid love affair between the two. Like all couples, they are keeping secrets from each other—but in their case, the secrets have international implications.