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Hu Xia est un Acteur Chinois né le 1 mars 1990

Hu Xia

Hu Xia
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Nationalité Chine
Naissance 1 mars 1990 (34 ans)

Hu Xia (Chinese: 胡夏) is a Chinese singer. He was the winner of the sixth season of Taiwan's One Million Star in 2010.

Le plus souvent avec

(1 films)
Ma Sichun
Ma Sichun
(1 films)
Jiang Wenli
Jiang Wenli
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Hu Xia (3 films)

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Zuo Er
Zuo Er (2015)
, 1h57
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Hu Xia, YANG Yang, Ma Sichun, Jiang Wenli
Rôle You Ta
Note54% 2.7290652.7290652.7290652.7290652.729065
Li Er, a 17 years old girl who has great difficulty hearing out of her left ear, is rejected after confessing her love to a boy, Xu yi. Instead the boy is in love with Li Bala, a girl who is in fact in love with Zhang Yang. Li Er befriends Li Bala, who dies due to an accident.