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Jana Mashonee est une Actrice et Son Américaine née le 11 mai 1980

Jana Mashonee

Jana Mashonee
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Nom de naissance Jana Maria Sampson
Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 11 mai 1980 (44 ans)

Jana Maria Mashonee, (born Jana Maria Sampson; May 11, 1980-), better known by her stage name, Jana, is an American singer, songwriter, actress, author and philanthropist. She is originally from Robeson County, North Carolina. Jana is a two-time GRAMMY nominee and nine-time NAMMY winner. Her music is steeped in R&B and gospel roots, which introduced her to the mainstream. She is currently releasing her music through Miss Molly Records available on iTunes and Amazon.


Referring to herself as an "Urban Indian," Jana has stated "From a cultural perspective, I describe myself as an Urban Indian because I am a Native American person who "walks in both worlds" –an expression that refers to Natives who live their lives in the traditional and in the contemporary/modern worlds." Mashonee grew up in a Baptist church and is a self proclaimed Christian, stating she focuses more on exploring spirituality of the Creator than just rules written by men. Jana is currently residing in New York City.

Le plus souvent avec

Lexy Hulme
Lexy Hulme
(1 films)
Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Jana Mashonee (2 films)

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Dinosaur Experiment, 1h30
Genres Science-fiction, Thriller, Horreur
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, Dinosaure, La préhistoire
Acteurs Jana Mashonee, Lorenzo Lamas, Lexy Hulme, Kimberly Matula
Rôle Abbi Whitecloud
Note31% 1.589951.589951.589951.589951.58995
Les créatures les plus féroces de la préhistoire se cachent dans un petit ranch du Texas. Mais lorsque celles-ci s'en échappent, les habitants des villes voisines doivent se battre pour échapper aux vélociraptors.
Blue Gap Boy'z, 1h30
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Jana Mashonee
Rôle Elle-même
Note71% 3.595523.595523.595523.595523.59552
