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John MacAndrews est un Acteur

John MacAndrews

John MacAndrews
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Nom de naissance Unknown

John MacAndrews was a British actor of the silent era.

Le plus souvent avec

Henry Edwards
Henry Edwards
(12 films)
Chrissie White
Chrissie White
(15 films)
Cecil Hepworth
Cecil Hepworth
(11 films)
Alma Taylor
Alma Taylor
(10 films)
Violet Hopson
Violet Hopson
(9 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de John MacAndrews (29 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Comin' Thro the Rye
Réalisé par Cecil Hepworth
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame
Acteurs Alma Taylor, Ralph Forbes, Eileen Dennes, James Carew, Francis Lister, Henry Vibart
Rôle Simpkins
Note73% 3.6862253.6862253.6862253.6862253.686225
The story of a young girl who is prevented from marrying the man she loves by the machinations of a designing woman. The plot centres on the heroine, Helen Adair, who is courted by George Tempest but who meets and falls in love with Paul Vasher. Vasher's former love Sylvia Fleming who has betrayed him, is jealous of his affections for Helen and manages by intercepting mail between the lovers to plot to win him back.
Helen Of Four Gates, 1h30
Réalisé par Cecil Hepworth
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame
Acteurs Alma Taylor, James Carew, Gerald Ames, John MacAndrews
Rôle Fielding Day
Note71% 3.567813.567813.567813.567813.56781
Helen (Taylor) marries a young man who has poisoned her mind against her other suitor Abel Mason (Carew) by convincing her that there is hereditary madness in the Mason family. Within two years Helen's husband is dead and she is dying. She entrusts her baby daughter to Abel to bring up, as she has no family to call on. Abel agrees to take the baby, but Helen does not realise that it is out of desire to gain revenge on her for rejecting him rather than through any altruistic motive.
The Kinsman
Réalisé par Henry Edwards
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Henry Edwards, James Carew, Chrissie White, John MacAndrews
Rôle Dobbs

A cockney clerk switches places with an aristocrat to whom he is identical.