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Joseph van Vicker est un Acteur Néerlandais né le 1 aout 1977

Joseph van Vicker

Joseph van Vicker
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Nom de naissance Joseph van Vicker
Nationalité Pays-bas
Naissance 1 aout 1977 (46 ans)

Joseph van Vicker, né le 1er août 1977 est un acteur dans les productions ghanéennes et nigérianes. Il est souvent utilisé comme étant le personnage principal de romances, la plupart du temps mis en scène auprès des actrices Jackie Aygemang et Nadia Buarie. Ce qui leur a valu le surnom du "Navanckie" trio. Il est d'origine ghanéenne et libérienne par sa mère, et néerlandaise par son père.

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Filmographie de Joseph van Vicker (5 films)

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One Night in Vegas, 2h13
Origine Nigeria
Genres Drame
Acteurs Jimmy Jean-Louis, Yvonne Nelson, Joseph van Vicker, John Dumelo, Michael Blackson, Sahndra Fon Dufe
Rôle Tony
Note65% 3.2850753.2850753.2850753.2850753.285075
James Foster, a man at a crossroads with himself and his marriage. Coming out on top after a high-profile case with a band of thugs; James has been sober for 18 months. He decides a trip to Vegas with his wife Genie would be a good way to rekindle their relationship as well as an opportunity to employ his bodyguard friend, Nick, a few more days as a holiday "thank you" for their security in the case.
Paparazzi Eye in the Dark, 2h24
Origine Nigeria
Acteurs Joseph van Vicker, Syr Law, Chet Anekwe, JJ Bunny
Rôle Rich Amarah

Aspiring photographer Rich Amarah (Van Vicker) dreams of making his fortune through his art but finds the life of being a sneaky paparazzi spy more lucrative. By selling pictures to the national newspapers, he has the opportunity to rub shoulders with the rich and famous. Superstar Ghanaian recording artist Mr. Maxx (Koby Maxwell) is at the top of the paparazzi food chain, and Rich's appetite for success leads him into a whirlwind of chaos when he accidentally films the "scoop of the century". This event not only becomes the paper's biggest exclusive but threatens his very survival as he alone holds the images to the city's biggest murder mystery.