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Leroy Scott est un Scénariste Américain né le 11 mai 1875

Leroy Scott

Leroy Scott
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Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 11 mai 1875
Mort 21 juillet 1929 (à 54 ans)

Leroy Scott (1875–1929) was an American writer of novels and screenplays. He was born in Fairmount, Indiana 11 May 1875. His father was a minister with the Religious Society of Friends. He graduated from Indiana University in 1897. His writing career began with three years experience as a reporter; he worked at a Louisiana newspaper owned by his brother. Later (1900–01) he became assistant editor of the Woman’s Home Companion.

Scott was a social activist. In 1902–3 he was assistant headworker at the University Settlement House. It is there that he met and later married on 27 Jun 1904 Miriam Finn, a Russian Jewish writer, with whom he had a daughter. Around this time Scott was an officer of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, of which he was a founder. Scott had come to University Settlement after Hull House experience. After his settlement experience, Scott and his wife came to live at the "A-Club", a cooperative, and a "radical center."

In 1906, Scott helped arrange accommodations for Maxim Gorky during his visit to the United States. In 1907 Scott and his wife visited Russia.

To research his book about labor relations, The Walking Delegate (1905), Scott Joined the Structural Iron Workers Union.

In addition to novels, Scott became involved in the movie industry, where he accumulated numerous writing credits, as well as an acting credit in one film. When Goldwyn Pictures determined a need to produce movies in New York as well as on the west coast, Scott's Partners of the Night was chosen as the first work.

Scott drowned in Lake Chateaugay, near Plattsburg, New York on 21 July 1929.

Le plus souvent avec

Stan Laurel
Stan Laurel
(1 films)
Mabel Normand
Mabel Normand
(1 films)
Gwen Lee
Gwen Lee
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Leroy Scott (3 films)

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Au fil de la vie, 1h20
Réalisé par Robert Z. Leonard
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique, Comédie romantique, Romance
Acteurs Norma Shearer, Lowell Sherman, Gwen Lee, Charles K. French, John Mack Brown, Eugenie Besserer
Rôle Histoire
Note68% 3.4402853.4402853.4402853.4402853.440285
Dolly Morgan travaille comme standardiste dans un hôtel chic, espérant trouver des hommes riches pour prendre leur argent. Lorsque deux escrocs, Gwen et Bradley, la reconnaissent comme "Angel Face", une ancienne détenue qui a violé sa liberté conditionnelle, ils la convainquent de se joindre à eux pour extorquer de l'argent à T. Roger Hammond. Le lendemain du jour où Dolly et Hammond ont rendez-vous, ce dernier va à la police, soupçonnant que l'homme qui prétend être le mari indigné de Dolly, et à qui il a donné 10 000 $ pour son silence, est un escroc. Dolly récupère l'argent et s'enfuit à Atlantic City. Faisant semblant d'être riche elle-même, Dolly rencontre Steve Crandall, qui participe à un congrès sur le ciment, et suppose qu'il est riche. Quelques jours plus tard, quand Steve lui demande de l'épouser, elle accepte. Pendant qu'elle fait ses valises, Bradley, qui l'a suivie à Atlantic City, vient dans sa chambre et menace de la faire renvoyer à la prison de Joliet si elle ne lui rend pas son argent. Elle accepte, disant qu'elle obtiendra l'argent de Steve, mais se faufile hors de l'hôtel pendant que Bradley est dans une autre chambre.
Raggedy Rose, 56minutes
Réalisé par Stan Laurel, F. Richard Jones, Richard Wallace
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Mabel Normand, Carl Miller, Max Davidson, James Finlayson, Anita Garvin, Laura La Varnie
Rôle Ecrivain
Note67% 3.3537353.3537353.3537353.3537353.353735
Rose (Normand), who works for a junk dealer (Davidson), dreams of romance with bachelor Ted Tudor (Miller).