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Noël Dyson est une Actrice née le 23 décembre 1916

Noël Dyson

Noël Dyson
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Nom de naissance Elsie Noël Dyson
Naissance 23 décembre 1916
Mort 29 juin 1995 (à 78 ans)

Elsie Noël Dyson (23 December 1916 - 29 June 1995) was an English actress.

Dyson appeared in a number of films but is best remembered as a versatile television actress who became a familiar face to British viewers in a career spanning almost 50 years. Dyson's best remembered roles are as Ida Barlow, one of the original characters in the long-running soap opera Coronation Street (1960–61), and Nanny in the sitcom Father, Dear Father (1968–73).

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Filmographie de Noël Dyson (12 films)

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The Boys
The Boys (1991)
, 2h3
Réalisé par Sidney J. Furie
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Comédie
Thèmes La peine de mort
Acteurs James Woods, Richard Todd, John Lithgow, Robert Morley, Joanna Gleason, Dudley Sutton
Rôle Mrs. Thompson
Note71% 3.5915953.5915953.5915953.5915953.591595
Lorsque Walter a diagnostiqué un cancer du poumon, malgré son style de vie impeccable, il doit le dire à son partenaire scénariste, car ce dernier est un fumeur à la chaîne. Alors que Walter combat le cancer, il essaie également de mettre de l'ordre dans ses affaires en enseignant l'écriture aux détenus, en parlant à son fils et à son ex-femme et en incitant son partenaire à arrêter de fumer.
Father Dear Father, 1h39
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Patrick Cargill, Natasha Pyne, Noël Dyson, Ursula Howells, Jack Watling, Donald Sinden
Rôle Nanny
Note49% 2.4910352.4910352.4910352.4910352.491035
Patrick feels his daughters need a mother so he decides to marry his agent Georgie (Jill Melford), only to then mistakenly propose to the cleaning lady (Beryl Reid).
Persuasion (1971)
, 50minutes
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Bryan Marshall, Ann Firbank, Basil Dignam, Richard Vernon, Mel Martin, Noël Dyson
Rôle Mrs. Musgrove
Note64% 3.246363.246363.246363.246363.24636
Anne Elliot is the second daughter of the widowed baronet Sir Walter Elliot, who unlike her vain father and sisters, is humble, sensible and modest. The family discuss their fall into financial difficulty, largely because of Sir Walter's wayward spending. Several ideas are suggested, but either Sir Walter or his eldest daughter Elizabeth (who is very like her father), refuse them, as they cast some taint on the family name. Finally Sir Walter's friend and soliticitor Mr. Shepherd, at the urging of Anne and Lady Russell, persuade Sir Walter to let out his ancestral home, Kellynch Hall, and move to Bath, where he can say he is taking in the waters for his health. Mr. Shepherd strongly urges this because, with the return of the fleet due to what appears to be the end of the Napoleonic Wars, there will be a demand for fine housing by newly rich naval officers. Shortly thereafter, Mr Shepherd finds a suitable tenant in Admiral Croft and his wife Mrs. Croft, the sister of Captain Wentworth—whom, it seems, is already known to Anne and her family.
Mister Ten Per Cent, 1h24
Réalisé par Peter Graham Scott
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Charlie Drake, Derek Nimmo, Wanda Ventham, John Le Mesurier, Anthony Nicholls, Noël Dyson
Rôle Mrs. Gorman
Note52% 2.619182.619182.619182.619182.61918
Percy Pointer, a construction worker and amateur dramatist, writes a drama 'Oh My Lord' and hopes to have it professionally produced. A dishonest producer agrees to back the play, hoping that it will be a disaster, so that he can claim insurance on its failure. To Percy's distress, the first audience see the play as a slapstick comedy, not the drama he intended it to be.
Press for Time, 1h42
Réalisé par Robert Asher
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Norman Wisdom, Derek Bond, Derek Francis, Allan Cuthbertson, Angela Browne, Noël Dyson
Rôle Noel Dyson
Note59% 2.9516252.9516252.9516252.9516252.951625
Norman Shields (Norman Wisdom) is a local newspaper seller in London. He is happy with his current job, but is sent by his grandfather, the Prime Minister (also played by Wisdom), to take up a new job as a newspaper reporter in the fictional seaside town of Tinmouth.
Dans les griffes de la Gestapo, 1h10
Réalisé par Max Varnel
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame
Acteurs Eric Flynn, Petra Davies, Francis De Wolff, Martin Benson, Noël Dyson, André Maranne
Note47% 2.3787252.3787252.3787252.3787252.378725
1939/1945. Un village sous l'occupation allemande. Le capitaine Strafen est un homme humain. Malgré tout, il ne parvient pas à éviter la torture de résistants faits prisonniers par la Gestapo. Les résistants décident de se venger en attaquant la Kommandantur. Maria, aimée du capitaine, lui soutire les renseignements mais finit par l'aimer aussi.
Please Turn Over, 1h27
Réalisé par Gerald Thomas
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Ted Ray, Leslie Phillips, Jean Kent, Julia Lockwood, Joan Sims, Tim Seely
Rôle Mrs. Brent
Note62% 3.142783.142783.142783.142783.14278
In the quiet suburbs of an English town, seventeen-year-old Jo Halliday lives a fairly boring life working as a hairdresser and living at home, with her nagging mother, pompous father, and fitness obsessed Aunt. Her father, an accountant, continually wishes that his dreamy, untidy daughter could be more like his secretary Miss Jones.
Three Crooked Men, 1h11
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Policier
Acteurs Gordon Jackson, Sarah Lawson, Eric Pohlmann, Philip Saville, Warren Mitchell, Michael Goodliffe
Note52% 2.6036052.6036052.6036052.6036052.603605
Three crooks break into a store hoping to gain access to the bank next door. When the store keeper returns unexpectedly, the men take him hostage. A passerby sees trouble and tries to help, but he too is captured. The police arrive and arrest the crooks, but also the owner and passerby, thinking they are part of the gang.
Eight O'Clock Walk, 1h27
Réalisé par Lance Comfort
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Policier
Thèmes La prison, La peine de mort
Acteurs Richard Attenborough, Cathy O'Donnell, Derek Farr, Ian Hunter, Maurice Denham, Bruce Seton
Rôle Gallery Regular
Note66% 3.3404853.3404853.3404853.3404853.340485
À Londres un 1er avril, des enfants font des farces. Tom Manning, un chauffeur de taxi nouvellement marié, est l'objet d'une de ces farces. Une jeune fille, Irene Evens, fait semblant de pleurer et demande à Manning de l'aider à rechercher son chien. Manning, compatissant, lui donne son mouchoir et la suit dans une zone bombardée. Mais à un moment, elle lui crie poisson d'avril et s'enfuit. Manning fait semblant de la poursuivre, tombe par terre et la menace de son poing levé. Mme Zunz est témoin de cette scène.
The Gay Dog, 1h27
Réalisé par Maurice Elvey
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Petula Clark, Megs Jenkins, Harold Goodwin, William Russell, Peter Butterworth, Noël Dyson
Rôle Lecturer
Note60% 3.0045553.0045553.0045553.0045553.004555
A miner's family acquire ownership of a greyhound, "Raving Beauty", which they plan to enter into a race. Jim Gay, the father, plans to get a better starting price for the dog by pretending it is ill, in order to lengthen its odds and clean up at the bookies. But keeping up the pretence with his wife, daughter, the whole street and the hardened gamblers played by Jon Pertwee and Peter Butterworth, is no easy task.