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Pelin Batu est une Actrice Turque née le 27 décembre 1978 à Ankara (Turquie)

Pelin Batu

Pelin Batu
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Nationalité Turquie
Naissance 27 décembre 1978 (45 ans) à Ankara (Turquie)

Pelin Batu (born 27 December 1978, in Ankara) is a Turkish author, actress, historian, and television personality.


Due to her father İnal Batu's occupation as a diplomat, she spent her childhood in many foreign countries including Pakistan, Czech Republic, France and the USA. She completed high school at Marymount School in New York and pursued musical and theatre training at Mannes College of Music. After starting literature and philosophy at New York University, she switched her subject to history and completed it at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. She made her film debut in 1999, portraying the role of Circassian Nevres in Harem Suare and has gone on to act with several more films and TV series.

Batu also hosted a show titled Tarihin Arka Odası (The Back Room of History) which aired on HaberTürk with Murat Bardakçı and Erhan Afyoncu. Interested in poetry from a young age, she has written, translated, and published many poems. Her first book of poetry "Glass" was published in 2003, followed by "The Book of Winds" in 2009. She left the program in 2011.

She has also appeared on the Turkish TV program Yeni Şeyler Söylemek Lazım, a part of the TRT Haber news channel on 25 December 2010, in which she read her poem of "Wind of Black Stones" herself from her book. Having written poems from the age of eight, on this program she said that even though she is an atheist, if reincarnation existed she would be the reincarnation of the grandfather, Selahattin Batu, as he was also known for his interest in poetry and whom she is commonly compared to.

Batu was also a columnist for the daily Milliyet newspaper (2012–2014).

Le plus souvent avec

Osman Sınav
Osman Sınav
(1 films)
Tuncel Kurtiz
Tuncel Kurtiz
(2 films)
Gianni Romoli
Gianni Romoli
(1 films)
Ezel Akay
Ezel Akay
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Pelin Batu (6 films)

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O Simdi Asker
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Acteurs Pelin Batu, Yavuz Bingöl, Mehmet Günsur, Yiğit Özşener, Meral Okay
Note48% 2.4025652.4025652.4025652.4025652.402565
When the devastating Kocaeli earthquake occurs, the Turkish government passes a special law allowing people to complete their military service in a month. Many make use of this law including Murat (a factory owner), Ömer (a factory worker), Gökhan Özoğuz (frontman of the ska-punk band Athena), Nihat (who lost his family in the earthquake), Can (who was rejected by the army for being overweight), Levent (a thespian), Australian Turk Hüseyin and his son Seyfi Paul, Laptop Recep. They join those who are already at the base: Captain Volkan Ateş (the commanding officer) and Karlıdağ (who is on extended service due to indiscipline).
Komser Şekspir, 1h56
Réalisé par Sinan Çetin
Genres Drame, Comédie dramatique
Acteurs Kadir İnanır, Müjde Ar, Pelin Batu, Özkan Uğur, Gazanfer Özcan
Rôle Su
Note56% 2.8498352.8498352.8498352.8498352.849835
Cemil is an acting Police Chief and a single father with an only daughter Su. Su who has been cast in the role of Snow White ("Pamuk Prenses") in the school play, is rehearsing when she blacks out and is taken to hospital where she is found to have leukemia. Meanwhile, Cemil's men round up a number of people, including Danyal (a mafiaman), Tatü Hayati (a small time drug dealer), Ali (a drug addict) and Deniz (an ageing prostitute). When Su's teacher refuses her the role of Snow White, Cemil sensing is daughter's disappointment, decides that he will produce the play himself and enter it in a TV competition against the school.
Le dernier harem, 1h50
Réalisé par Ferzan Özpetek
Origine Italie
Genres Drame, Comédie dramatique, Historique
Acteurs Marie Gillain, Alex Descas, Lucia Bosè, Valeria Golino, Malick Bowens, Serra Yılmaz
Rôle Cerkez Cariye
Note60% 3.04683.04683.04683.04683.0468
La vieille Safiye raconte à la jeune Anita son histoire qui est celle de la dernière odalisque. Au début du XX siècle et à la veille de l'effondrement de l'Empire ottoman, dans le harem du sultan Abdülhamid II, elle est tombée amoureuse de l'eunuque Nadir avec lequel elle a conclu un pacte pour obtenir le pouvoir, c'est ainsi qu'elle a été amenée à devenir la « Favorite » du sultan, à qui elle donnera un enfant. Malheureusement, tout ce qu'elle avait conquis s'effondre lamentablement : son fils meurt empoisonné, le harem est dissous et Safiye est forcée de partir pour l'Italie où elle s'exhibera au théâtre pour survivre..