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Rinat Matatov est un Acteur né le 6 aout 1981

Rinat Matatov

Rinat Matatov
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Naissance 6 aout 1981 (43 ans)

Rinat Matatov (born August 6, 1981) is an Israeli actress. Winner of the Theatre Academy Award. Matatov was born in Kokand, Uzbekistan, to a father who worked as an engineer and a mother who worked as a nurse. In 1990, the Matatov family immigrated to Israel and has been living in the center of the country ever since. Matatov first studied acting as a theatre major at the Herzog Regional High School for Science, Arts and the Humanities. After she graduated, she joined the army as a member of a Nachal (pioneer combatant youth) group, and after her release from the army, she started her professional acting studies at the Performing Arts Studio of Yoram Leowenstein. Right after graduating, Matatov received her first role in the film “Someone to Run With” based on David Grossman’s book.

Matatov was announced “Promising Actress” for 2009 in the Israeli theatre awards ceremony for her role in the play “Crazy” at Habima theatre.

Matatov won the 2011 Children and Youth Stage Award as the best supporting actress of the year for her role in the play “Good Girl” at “The Hour” theatre.

Matatov won the 2012 Haifa Festival’s Best Actress Award for her part role in the play “Sorrowful Song” at “The Hour” theatre.

Le plus souvent avec

Eran Kolirin
Eran Kolirin
(1 films)
Sasson Gabai
Sasson Gabai
(1 films)
Saleh Bakri
Saleh Bakri
(1 films)
Uri Gavriel
Uri Gavriel
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Rinat Matatov (1 films)

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La Visite de la fanfare, 1h27
Réalisé par Eran Kolirin
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Thèmes Religion
Acteurs Saleh Bakri, Ronit Elkabetz, Sasson Gabai, Uri Gavriel, Rinat Matatov
Rôle Yula
Note74% 3.7472553.7472553.7472553.7472553.747255
La fanfare de la police d'Alexandrie est invitée en Israël pour inaugurer un centre culturel arabe.