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Silvana Roth est une Actrice Argentine née le 17 février 1924

Silvana Roth

Silvana Roth
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Nationalité Argentine
Naissance 17 février 1924
Mort 3 avril 2010 (à 86 ans)

Silvana Roth (February 17, 1924 – April 3, 2010) was an Argentine stage and film actress. A star of the Golden Age of Argentine Cinema, she appeared in twenty six films between 1940 and 1971. Sources differ over her place of birth, with some saying Genoa in Italy and others Buenos Aires.

Politically Roth was a staunch Peronist. She served in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies between 1973 and 1976 before being ousted after the coup that year.

Le plus souvent avec

Felisa Mary
Felisa Mary
(2 films)
Alberto Bello
Alberto Bello
(2 films)
Nuri Montsé
Nuri Montsé
(1 films)
Jorge Salcedo
Jorge Salcedo
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Silvana Roth (5 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Melodías de América, 1h34
Réalisé par Eduardo Morera
Genres Musical
Thèmes Musique
Acteurs José Mojica, Silvana Roth, June Marlowe, Armando Bó, Nelly Omar, Juan Carlos Altavista

A group of Argentine filmmakers struggling to make a film with a panamerican theme. They eventually manage to raise the finances for the film and hires a famous Mexican singer to star in it. On the boat down he meets and falls in love with a poor woman from Buenos Aires. Meanwhile an American actress who has failed in Hollywood attempts to get a role in the production.
Los Martes, Orquídeas, 1h24
Réalisé par Francisco Múgica
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Enrique Serrano, Juan Carlos Thorry, Nuri Montsé, Felisa Mary, Mirtha Legrand, Silvana Roth
Note71% 3.5569553.5569553.5569553.5569553.556955
The plot revolves around Elenita, the youngest of four sisters, shy, romantic and lonely.
El tesoro de la isla Maciel, 1h13
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Alberto Bello, Luis Arata, Silvana Roth, Cayetano Amadeo Biondo
Rôle María Santini
Note31% 1.5840351.5840351.5840351.5840351.584035
A retired sea captain is profoundly bored. His sons hope to wake him up by staging a fake treasure hunt.