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Tanvir Mokammel est un Réalisateur, Scénariste et Producteur né le 8 mars 1955

Tanvir Mokammel

Tanvir Mokammel
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Naissance 8 mars 1955 (69 ans)

Tanvir Mokammel est un réalisateur bangladais né en 1955.

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Filmographie de Tanvir Mokammel (3 films)

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Lalon (2004)
, 2h20
Réalisé par Tanvir Mokammel
Origine Bangladesh
Genres Drame, Biographie, Musical
Thèmes Musique
Acteurs Raisul Islam Asad, Shomi Kaiser, Ramendu Majumdar, Naznin Hasan Chumki
Note77% 3.877433.877433.877433.877433.87743
The plot is mainly based on the life of Bengali mystic poet Fakir Lalon Shah.
Lalsalu (2003)
, 1h50
Réalisé par Tanvir Mokammel
Origine Bangladesh
Genres Drame, Comédie
Acteurs Tauquir Ahmed, Raisul Islam Asad, Chandni
Note77% 3.8816153.8816153.8816153.8816153.881615
Majid (Raisul Islam Asad), a haggard-looking Mullah, appears in a remote agrarian village suddenly. He cleans up an old dilapidated grave and begins to worship it by declaring it as the shrine of a famous Pir (a holy man). The people of the village have no idea who the holyman was, and though it is a deception, but gradually they starts believing in the myth. People become more interested in the grave speaded with red fabric. He marries Rahima (Munira Yusuf Memi), a hard working woman of peasant family. But whe he become more influential man in the village, he feels the need of a younger wife. He marries Jamila (Chandni), a teenage girl who is not afraid either of the grave or Majid himself. Majid become anxious about her second wife and become strict to control her.


Lalon (2004)
, 2h20
Réalisé par Tanvir Mokammel
Origine Bangladesh
Genres Drame, Biographie, Musical
Thèmes Musique
Acteurs Raisul Islam Asad, Shomi Kaiser, Ramendu Majumdar, Naznin Hasan Chumki
Note77% 3.877433.877433.877433.877433.87743
The plot is mainly based on the life of Bengali mystic poet Fakir Lalon Shah.
Lalsalu (2003)
, 1h50
Réalisé par Tanvir Mokammel
Origine Bangladesh
Genres Drame, Comédie
Acteurs Tauquir Ahmed, Raisul Islam Asad, Chandni
Rôle Ecrivain
Note77% 3.8816153.8816153.8816153.8816153.881615
Majid (Raisul Islam Asad), a haggard-looking Mullah, appears in a remote agrarian village suddenly. He cleans up an old dilapidated grave and begins to worship it by declaring it as the shrine of a famous Pir (a holy man). The people of the village have no idea who the holyman was, and though it is a deception, but gradually they starts believing in the myth. People become more interested in the grave speaded with red fabric. He marries Rahima (Munira Yusuf Memi), a hard working woman of peasant family. But whe he become more influential man in the village, he feels the need of a younger wife. He marries Jamila (Chandni), a teenage girl who is not afraid either of the grave or Majid himself. Majid become anxious about her second wife and become strict to control her.
