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Tony Ayres est un Réalisateur, Ecrivain et Producteur Australien né le 16 juillet 1961 à Macao (Chine)

Tony Ayres

Tony Ayres
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Nationalité Australie
Naissance 16 juillet 1961 (62 ans) à Macao (Chine)
Récompenses Inside Film Awards, Teddy Award

Tony Ayres (born 16 July 1961) is a Chinese-born Australian screenwriter and director. He is most notable for his award-winning films Walking on Water and The Home Song Stories.

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Filmographie de Tony Ayres (9 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Cut Snake
Cut Snake (2015)
, 1h34
Réalisé par Tony Ayres
Genres Thriller, Policier
Acteurs Sullivan Stapleton, Jessica De Gouw, Alex Russell
Note59% 2.954172.954172.954172.954172.95417
Sparra Farrel, un ancien détenu, tente de refaire sa vie dans une nouvelle ville. Il a trouvé du boulot et s'est fiancé à Paula, mais la perspective d’un nouveau départ est remise en question lorsque l’inquiétant et charismatique Pommie, son ancien compagnon de cellule, retrouve sa trace. Sparra est alors replongé dans un monde qu’il pensait avoir laissé derrière lui…
The Home Song Stories, 1h43
Réalisé par Tony Ayres
Genres Drame
Acteurs Joan Chen, Steven Vidler, Kerry Walker, Leo T'ien Lung Fong
Note71% 3.5892053.5892053.5892053.5892053.589205
The film is an autobiographical account of Tony Ayres' life at age eight, however the names have been changed. The story is narrated by Darren Yap as an adult Tom typing the story on a computer and reflecting on the story "which defines them, which shapes who they are." His mother Rose Hong (Joan Chen) was a nightclub singer in Hong Kong in 1964, where she met Bill, an Australian sailor, and married him to seek a better life in Australia, taking her daughter May (Irene Chen) and son Tom (Joel Lok). An opening montage of scenes shows Rose making several unsuccessful attempts to establish herself with Chinese partners before moving in with Bill again.
Walking on Water, 1h30
Réalisé par Tony Ayres
Origine Australie
Genres Drame, Comédie dramatique
Thèmes La mer, Sexualité, Transport, Homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs Vince Colosimo, Nathaniel Dean, Judi Farr, Nicholas Bishop, Anna Lise Phillips
Note64% 3.2422053.2422053.2422053.2422053.242205
When Gavin is finally buried after dying of AIDS, his close friends Charlie and Anna find themselves at odds regarding the way he died. In the weekend that passes, Gavin's estranged family come to stay, which only adds more tension to the strained household. As Charlie tries to cling to his distant partner Frank, and Anna begins a sexual affair with Gavin's married brother, the pair realize now that Gavin has gone and there is no one to keep them together, or even keep them in line. The film is an exploration of human relationships, moral ambiguity and the consequences of difficult choices.


The Home Song Stories, 1h43
Réalisé par Tony Ayres
Genres Drame
Acteurs Joan Chen, Steven Vidler, Kerry Walker, Leo T'ien Lung Fong
Rôle Ecrivain
Note71% 3.5892053.5892053.5892053.5892053.589205
The film is an autobiographical account of Tony Ayres' life at age eight, however the names have been changed. The story is narrated by Darren Yap as an adult Tom typing the story on a computer and reflecting on the story "which defines them, which shapes who they are." His mother Rose Hong (Joan Chen) was a nightclub singer in Hong Kong in 1964, where she met Bill, an Australian sailor, and married him to seek a better life in Australia, taking her daughter May (Irene Chen) and son Tom (Joel Lok). An opening montage of scenes shows Rose making several unsuccessful attempts to establish herself with Chinese partners before moving in with Bill again.
Thunderstruck, 1h38
Genres Drame, Comédie, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Musique
Acteurs Stephen Curry, Callan Mulvey, Sam Worthington, Rachel Gordon, Kestie Morassi, Saskia Burmeister
Rôle Script Editor
Note61% 3.0981453.0981453.0981453.0981453.098145
Ben, Sonny, Lloyd, Sam and Ronnie are friends from Sydney who are all big fans of AC/DC. After a near death experience, the five make a pact that if one among them died the other four would be bury him next to the grave of their idol, the late AC/DC frontman, Bon Scott. Twelve years pass and the five friends have each gone their own ways. When Ronnie dies from being struck by a lightning bolt while playing golf, the remaining four unite and decide to fulfill the promise they made together long ago. They retrieve Ronnie's cremated remains and embark on a road trip to Fremantle (where Bon Scott's ashes were scattered) to scatter his ashes over Fremantle Cemetery.
He Died with a Felafel in His Hand, 1h47
Réalisé par Richard Lowenstein
Genres Comédie
Thèmes La mer, Transport
Acteurs Noah Taylor, Emily Hamilton, Sophie Lee, Romane Bohringer, Damian Walshe-Howling, Linal Haft
Rôle Script Editor
Note69% 3.4972253.4972253.4972253.4972253.497225
Un jeune homme (Noah Taylor) vit avec de nombreux colocataires bizarres tout en sautant d'un endroit à l'autre.
Mallboy (2001)

Genres Drame
Thèmes La famille, La mer, Transport
Acteurs Brett Tucker
Rôle Script Editor
Note61% 3.089183.089183.089183.089183.08918
Shaun is a fourteen-year-old boy who prefers to spend time with his friends at shopping centres in suburban Melbourne, rather than attending school. Demoralised in life with unsupportive friends, an out of touch and patronising social worker, arguments with his mother and his father having been convicted for burglary, he finds that there is little reason to be optimistic in life.


Cut Snake
Cut Snake (2015)
, 1h34
Réalisé par Tony Ayres
Genres Thriller, Policier
Acteurs Sullivan Stapleton, Jessica De Gouw, Alex Russell
Rôle Producteur
Note59% 2.954172.954172.954172.954172.95417
Sparra Farrel, un ancien détenu, tente de refaire sa vie dans une nouvelle ville. Il a trouvé du boulot et s'est fiancé à Paula, mais la perspective d’un nouveau départ est remise en question lorsque l’inquiétant et charismatique Pommie, son ancien compagnon de cellule, retrouve sa trace. Sparra est alors replongé dans un monde qu’il pensait avoir laissé derrière lui…
Underground : L'Histoire de Julian Assange, 1h29
Réalisé par Robert Connolly
Origine Australie
Genres Drame, Biographie
Acteurs Rachel Griffiths, Callan McAuliffe, Anthony LaPaglia, Alex Williams, Benedict Samuel, Jordan Raskopoulos
Rôle Producteur exécutif
Note65% 3.2953053.2953053.2953053.2953053.295305
En 1989, Julian Assange, un jeune hacker, s'introduit dans les bases de données du Pentagone.
Lou (2010)

Origine Australie
Genres Drame
Acteurs John Hurt, Emily Barclay, Jay Ryan, Damien Garvey
Rôle Producteur
Note63% 3.1955853.1955853.1955853.1955853.195585
Aussi rapidement que le père de Lou sort de sa vie, son grand-père y fait irruption en semant le désordre dans la petite maison que Lou partage avec sa jeune maman et ses deux soeurs. Atteint de la maladie d’Alzheimer, Doyle confond Lou avec sa propre femme. En entrant dans son drôle de jeu, Lou croit pouvoir utiliser le vieil homme contre sa mère. Sans s’y attendre, elle découvre ce que c’est qu’être aimée.