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Valda Valkyrien est une Actrice Américaine née le 30 septembre 1895 à Reykjavík (Islande)

Valda Valkyrien

Valda Valkyrien
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Nom de naissance Adele Eleonore Freed
Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 30 septembre 1895 à Reykjavík (Islande)
Mort 22 octobre 1956 (à 61 ans) à Los Angeles (Etats-Unis)

Valda Valkyrien (September 30, 1895 – October 22, 1956) was a Danish prima ballerina and a silent film actress.

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Filmographie de Valda Valkyrien (2 films)

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Bolshevism on Trial, 1h10
Réalisé par Harley Knoles
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Robert Frazer, Valda Valkyrien
Note54% 2.7099352.7099352.7099352.7099352.709935
Barbara, a wealthy female socialite intent on reforming capitalism is lured into the Socialist cause by Herman, a Socialist agitator. Her concerned boyfriend Norman hears her lecture on the virtues of international socialism and is converted to her views. Prompted by Herman, she raises money among her wealthy friends to buy Paradise Island off the Florida coast to establish a collective colony, a society of "happiness and plenty." Norman tries to raise money from his father and is rebuffed. His father expects Norman will benefit from the experience: "He'll get his island and a lesson along with it." When the wealthy colonists settled on their island, they elect Norman their "Chief Comrade." They quickly discover that none of them has any worthwhile skills. Most identify themselves as "assistant managers." Faced with disorganization, the colonists replace Norman with Herman, as the activist had long intended. He establishes a police force, abolishes marriage, and has the state assume ownership of the women and children. He imprisons Norman, which prompts Barbara's epiphany: "The poor deluded people will starve and die as they are in Russia." She rejects Herman's advances and Norman's father arrives at the head of a Navy fleet to save the day. Norman lowers the Red flag and raises the American flag to general cheers.