Pampa Film was an Argentine film production company that was active in the 1930s and 1940s. It is known for its classic Prisioneros de la tierra (1939).
Ángel Magaña and Elisa Galvé play a constantly bickering young couple who draw up a suicide pact and prepare to kill themselves. However they are constantly interrupted by surprises, particularly the timely arrival of a dying gangster, who gives them $30,000 worth of ill goods.
En 1915, un entrepreneur se rend à Posadas à la recherche de nouveaux employés. Parmi la musique et les boissons dans un bar, ils sont expédiés au moulin. Il est accompagné d'un médecin ivre et de sa fille. Au moulin, les injustices et les cruautés s'accentuent.