Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel is set before the events of the groundbreaking first movie. Kimmy (played by Eugene Domingo), the snooty sister, just graduated summa cum laude from a posh school abroad. She expects to take over her family's worldwide business empire, but she's disappointed when she's asked to start working at the bottom of the company first.
Sisters Kimmy and Dora Godonghae (Eugene Domingo) are identical twins with radically different personalities. The older Kimmy is the intelligent, domineering and Machiavellian type, while Dora is a sweet, kindhearted half-wit. Kimmy has always been jealous of her sister as Johnson (Dingdong Dantes), the man she really likes, only has eyes for Dora. All hell breaks loose when their Korean father, Luisito Go Dong-hae (Ariel Ureta) suffers a heart attack and makes Dora the majority owner of their family conglomerate in case he dies. Kimmy thinks this to be unfair and gets the help of their family's lawyer, Harry (Baron Geisler), to take care of business. A misunderstanding brings forth a plan to kill Dora, but the hired hands kidnap Kimmy instead. Now Kimmy must find a way to escape her captors while Dora must act as her tough sister and control their company in order to hide the truth from their sick father.
Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel is set before the events of the groundbreaking first movie. Kimmy (played by Eugene Domingo), the snooty sister, just graduated summa cum laude from a posh school abroad. She expects to take over her family's worldwide business empire, but she's disappointed when she's asked to start working at the bottom of the company first.