Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel is a 2013 Filipino comedy action film directed by Chris Martinez, starring Eugene Domingo and Sam Milby. It is the prequel and the final installment of the Kimmy Dora film series. The film is one of the official entries of the 2013 Metro Manila Film Festival that will be distributed by Spring Films with co-production of MJM Productions and Quantum Films that was released in theaters last Christmas Day (December 25, 2013).
The film is set before the events of Kimmy Dora: Kambal sa Kiyeme wherein the twins are seen disputing the ownership of the family corporation.
The film was inspired by the James Bond film series in terms of musical score and visual effects.
Piolo Pascual was reportedly the leading man of Domingo in the film but was replaced by Sam Milby due to busy schedule.Synopsis
Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel is set before the events of the groundbreaking first movie. Kimmy (played by Eugene Domingo), the snooty sister, just graduated summa cum laude from a posh school abroad. She expects to take over her family's worldwide business empire, but she's disappointed when she's asked to start working at the bottom of the company first.