The Life of Chikuzan (竹山ひとり旅, Chikuzan hitori tabi) is a 1977 Japanese biographical film directed by Kaneto Shindo based on the life of shamisen player Takahashi Chikuzan. It is a coproduction of Kindai Eiga Kyokai and Chikuzan's company "Jean-Jean".Synopsis
The real Chikuzan appears on a stage in a small theatre, Shibuya Jean-Jean, and begins telling the story of his life. The scene changes to his childhood. Sadazo (Chikuzan's real name) becomes partially blind due to illness at the age of three. Growing up he is bullied. His mother Toyo (Nobuko Otowa) buys him a shamisen and apprentices him to a blind bosama, a begging shamisen player. He finds that although his teacher begs, cajoles and wheedles, pleading poverty, the teacher is actually rich.