Noel's Fantastic Trip (ノエルの不思議な冒険, Noel no Fushigi na Bouken, lit. The Marvelous Adventures of Noel) is a 1983 Japanese animated film directed by Tsuneo Maeda and produced by Kazuo Kambe and Iwao Takagi. The film was originally released on both LaserDisc and VHS format in Japan in 1983. It was dubbed in English and released on VHS in 1985 by RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video and Magic Window.
The soundtrack for the film was originally produced by IRUKA but was rerecorded by Charlotte Russe Music for the English dub.Synopsis
The film is centered around Noel, a young girl and her dog, Pup, who both live on the Planet Noel. While relaxing, Noel seems to notice that the sun is too hot and encourages that it be fed ice cream to cool it down. The duo fly off in Noel's plane and begin making progress toward the sun.